You must configure each server within the iFileshare high availability group to use a Fileshare listener.
To configure a listener, you need to set:
- Name. This is the name of the Fileshare server.
Note: The same name must be used for the listener on each server within the group.
- Endpoint Protocol. This can be set to TCP or SMEM.
Tip: For SMEM (shared memory) protocols, additional configuration may be required depending on who needs to access the iFileshare server; see
Configure the Shared Memory Namespace for more details.
- Endpoint Address. For the TCP protocol, leave this field as its default. For the SMEM protocol, this must be a unique name within the high availability group.
- Supported Conversation Type: Fileshare.
- Configuration Information. The synchronous option is optional. It can improve performance for environments that have a small number of clients performing lots of I/O; conversely, this option can degrade performance for environments that have lots of clients making simultaneous requests.