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Configuring XDB Link with the Gateway Profile Utility

You can use the Gateway Profile Utility to:

If you have installed XDB Link on an XDB Server as part of a gateway configuration, you must:

If you need additional information about the Gateway Profile Utility while doing this procedure, see the topic Gateway Profile Utility.

To configure XDB Link using the Gateway Profile Utility

  1. If you are using XDB Link in a gateway configuration, start the XDB Server on the machine where XDB Link is installed.
  2. Start the Options utility. (If you are using the gateway configuration, do this at the machine where XDB Link is installed).
  3. When the Options window opens, set the following values on the Connect page:
    If you are using ... Make these selections...
    Gateway configuration In the Server Name field, select the name of the XDB Server on which XDB Link is installed.

    In the Location field, select the SYSTEM location.

    In the Protocol field, select the Local protocol.

    Direct-connect configuration In the Protocol field, select DRDA.
  4. Click OK to save your settings and close Options.
  5. Start the Gateway Profile Utility by selecting its icon in the XDB program group or folder. (If you are using the gateway configuration, do this at the machine where XDB Link is installed.) If prompted for a user ID, enter an ID that has super-user or SYSADM privileges.
  6. When the Gateway Profile Utility window opens, click Register to display the Location Configuration dialog box. You use this dialog box to add the remote database to XDB Link.
  7. In the Location Name field, type the name of the remote database from row B9 in your DB2 worksheet. This is the DB2 location name used by the DDF facility.

    A common mistake is to specify theDB2 APPLID in VTAM or the 4-character SUBSYSTEM name for DB2. These names are usually NOT the same name as the DB2 location name (although your DB2 systems programmer may have decided that all three of these names should be the same.) See your DB2 systems programmer to determine the DB2 location name.

  8. Complete the configuration process using the appropriate steps for your connection type:
    If XDB Link will use ... Follow the procedures in the section ...
    TCP/IP to access DB2 Configuring XDB Link for DB2 Access.
    SNA to access DB2 Configuring XDB Link for DB2 Access.
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