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The columns in this table contain information on LUNAMES used for server-to-server or Link connectivity.

Name Type Len Description


CHAR 8 Name of the XDB Server, if using server-to-server connectivity. Name of the LU for one or more accessible DB2 systems if using XDB Link. Blank indicates the current XDB Server.
SYSMODENAME CHAR 8 Mode used to establish intersystem conversations.
USERSECURITY CHAR 1 Acceptance option for a remote attach:
C "Conversation." A request is checked by the internal security system and must include a password.
A "Already Verified." A request does not need a password, although a password is checked if it is sent. A is the default.
Any character that is not C is treated as an A.
ENCRYPTPSWDS CHAR 1 Included for DB2 compatibility only. Tells whether passwords for DB2 LUs are encrypted:
Y Passwords are encrypted.
N Passwords are not encrypted.
The XDB Server always uses encrypted passwords, even if set to N.


CHAR 1 Whether an ID accompanying a remote attach request is subject to translation.
I Inbound ID, from the corresponding LUNAME, is subject to translation.
O Outbound ID, sent to the corresponding LUNAME, is subject to translation.
B Both inbound and outbound IDs are subject to translation.
blank No translation is done for either inbound or outbound IDs.
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