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IDRARestServer Interface

Interface that defines available azure contact REST endpoints for performing operations on the DRA server.
Interface that defines available Azure user REST endpoints.
Interface that defines available AD contact REST endpoints.
Interface that defines available REST endpoints for performing delegation operations on the DRA server.
Interface that defines available REST endpoints for performing operations on the DRA server.
Interface that defines available exchange online mailbox policy REST endpoint for performing operations on the DRA server.
Interface that defines available REST endpoints for performing operations on the DRA server.
Interface that defines available gMSA REST endpoints for performing operations on the DRA server.
Interface methods for supporting Workflow Automation.

Namespace:  NetIQ.DRA.RestServiceLibrary
Assembly:  NetIQ.DRA.RestServiceLibrary (in NetIQ.DRA.RestServiceLibrary.dll) Version:
public interface IDRARestServer

The IDRARestServer type exposes the following members.

Public methodActiveViewCreate
Adds the ActiveView
UriTemplate: /dra/delegation/activeviews/post
Public methodActiveViewDelete
Removes the ActiveView
UriTemplate: /dra/delegation/activeviews/delete
Public methodActiveViewRuleCreate
Adds the ActiveView Rule
UriTemplate: /dra/delegation/rules/post
Public methodActiveViewRuleDelete
Removes the rules from ActiveView
UriTemplate: dra/delegation/rules/delete
Public methodAdvancedQueryCreate
Creates an advanced query.
UriTemplate: /dra/advancedqueries/post
Public methodAdvancedQueryDelete
Deletes the specified advanced query.
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/advancedqueries/delete
Public methodAdvancedQuerySetInfo
Updates the property of the specified advanced query.
UriTemplate: /dra/advancedqueries/put
Public methodAssistantAdminEnum
Retrieves a list of assistant admins that match the specified filters on dra server
UriTemplate: /dra/delegation/assistantadmins/get
Public methodAssistantAdminGroupMembersAdd
Adds the specified users, groups and/or assistant admin groups rules to the assistant admin group
UriTemplate: /dra/delegation/assistantadmingroups/members/post
Public methodAssistantAdminGroupMembersEnum
Returns the DRA powers delegated to the specified user UriTemplate = "/dra/delegation/assistantadmingroups/members/get"
Public methodAssistantAdminGroupMembersRemove
Remove rules from the assistant Aamin group
UriTemplate: /dra/delegation/assistantadmingroups/members/delete
Public methodAssistantAdminObjectEnum
Retrieves a list of assistant admins that match the specified filters on dra server
UriTemplate: /dra/assistantadmins/get
Public methodAzureContactCreate
Creates a new Azure contact
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{tenantIdentifier}/azurecontacts/post
Public methodAzureContactDelete
Deletes the specified Azure contact
UriTemplate: /dra/tenants/{tenantIdentifier}/azurecontacts/delete
Public methodAzureContactSetInfo
Updates the properties of an azure contact
UriTemplate: /dra/tenants/{tenantIdentifier}/azurecontacts/put
Public methodAzureGroupCreate
Creates a new Azure group
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{tenantIdentifier}/azuregroups/post
Public methodAzureGroupDelete
Deletes the specified azure group
UriTemplate: /dra/tenants/{tenantIdentifier}/azuregroups/delete
Public methodAzureGroupMemberAdd
Adds the specified objects to the azure group
UriTemplate: /dra/tenants/{tenantIdentifier}/azuregroups/members/post
Public methodAzureGroupMemberEnum
Enumerates the members of the group
UriTemplate: /dra/tenants/{tenantIdentifier}/azuregroups/members/get
Public methodAzureGroupMemberRemove
Removes the specified objects from the azure group
UriTemplate: /dra/tenants/{tenantIdentifier}/azuregroups/members/delete
Public methodAzureGroupMembershipEnum
Get group membership on the specified object
UriTemplate: /dra/tenants/{tenantIdentifier}/azuregroups/membership/get
Public methodAzureGroupSetInfo
Updates the properties of a azure group
UriTemplate: /dra/tenants/{tenantIdentifier}/azuregroups/put
Public methodAzureUserCreate
Creates a new Azure user object.
UriTemplate: /dra/tenants/{tenantIdentifier}/azureusers/post
Public methodAzureUserDelete
Deletes the specified azure user
UriTemplate: /dra/tenants/{tenantIdentifier}/azureusers/delete
Public methodAzureUserInvite
Invites a new Azure user
UriTemplate: /dra/tenants/{tenantIdentifier}/azureusers/invite/post
Public methodAzureUserResetPassword
Sets the password of a user.
UriTemplate: /dra/tenants/{tenantIdentifier}/azureusers/resetpassword/put
Public methodAzureUserSetInfo
Updates the properties of a azure user
UriTemplate: /dra/tenants/{tenantIdentifier}/azureusers/put
Public methodBuiltinContainerSetInfo
Updates the properties of a builtin container
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/builtincontainers/put
Public methodComputerCreate
Creates a new computer object
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/computers/post
Public methodComputerDelete
Deletes the specified computer
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/computers/delete
Public methodComputerMove
Moves a computer to a new location
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/computers/move
Public methodComputerReset
Resets a computer account
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/computers/reset
Public methodComputerRestore
Restores a deleted computer from the recycle bin
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/computers/restore
Public methodComputerSetInfo
Updates the properties of a computer
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/computers/put
Public methodContactCopy
Copy the specified contact to a new contact
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/contacts/copies
Public methodCode exampleContactCreate
Creates a new contact object

UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/contacts/post

Public methodContactDelete
Deletes the specified contact
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/contacts/delete
Public methodContactDisableEmail
Disables email on the specified contact.
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/contacts/disableemail/put
Public methodContactEnableEmail
Enables email on the specified contact.
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/contacts/enableemail/put
Public methodContactGet
Retrieves a list of contacts matching the specified search criteria or returns the requested attributes of a specified contact.
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/contacts/get
Public methodContactMove
Moves a contact to a new location
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/contacts/move
Public methodContactRestore
Restore the specified contact from the recycle bin
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/contacts/restore
Public methodContactSetInfo
Updates the properties of a contact
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/contacts/put
Public methodContainerEnum
Retrieves a list of managed objects that match the specified filters across all managed domains
UriTemplate: /dra/managedObjects/get
Public methodContainerSetInfo
Updates the properties of a container
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/container/put
Public methodDeviceDisable
Disable a device
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/computer/device/disable/put
Public methodDeviceEnable
Enable a device
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/computer/device/enable/put
Public methodDeviceSetInfo
Updates the properties of a device
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/computer/device/put
Public methodDiskQuotaGetInfo
Gets disk quota information in the Home Directory policies
UriTemplate: /dra/diskquota/get
Public methodDomainSetInfo
Update the properties of a domain
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/put
Public methodDynamicDistributionGroupCopy
Copy the specified ddg to a new ddg
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/dynamicdistributiongroups/copies/post
Public methodDynamicDistributionGroupCreate
Creates a new dynamic distribution group object
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/dynamicdistributiongroups/post
Public methodDynamicDistributionGroupDelete
Deletes the specified dynamic distribution group
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/dynamicdistributiongroups/delete
Public methodDynamicDistributionGroupMove
Moves a dynamic distribution group to a new location
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/dynamicdistributiongroups/move
Public methodDynamicDistributionGroupPreview
Preview the objects defined for a specified ddg
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/dynamicdistributiongroups/preview
Public methodDynamicDistributionGroupRestore
Restore the specified dynamic distribution group from the recycle bin
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/dynamicdistributiongroups/restore
Public methodDynamicDistributionGroupSetInfo
Updates the properties of a dynamic distribution group
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/dynamicdistributiongroups/put
Public methodEquipmentMailboxCreate
Creates a new equipment mailbox object
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/equipmentmailboxes/post
Public methodEquipmentMailboxGetRequest
Retrieves a list of equipment mailboxes matching the specified search criteria or returns the requested attributes of a specified equipment mailbox.
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/equipmentmailboxes/get
Public methodEventLogClear
Clear a EventLog
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/computer/eventlogs/delete
Public methodEventLogSetInfo
Updates the properties of a eventLog
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/computer/eventlogs/put
Public methodExecuteLdapSearchQuery
Retrieves a list of result from LDAP query.
UriTemplate: /dra/ldapsearchresults/get
Public methodFindBitLockerRecoveryPassword
Retrieves the list of BitLocker recovery password in the specified domain.
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/bitlockerrecoverypasswords/get
Public methodGetAdvancedQueryRequest
Retrieves a list of advanced queries or returns the properties of a specified advanced query.
UriTemplate: /dra/advancedqueries/get
Public methodGetAnalyzerConfiguration
Get analyzer configuration.
UriTemplate: /dra/analyzer/config/get
Public methodGetAnalyzerData
Get analyzer data.
UriTemplate: /dra/analyzer/data/get
Public methodGetAuditReport
Get Audit Reports generated from DRA and auditing servers configured.
UriTemplate: /dra/auditReport/get
Public methodGetAzureContactsRequest
Retrieves a list of azure contacts matching the specified search criteria or returns the requested properties of a specified azure contact.
UriTemplate: /dra/tenants/{tenantIdentifier}/azurecontacts/get
Public methodGetAzureGroupsRequest
Retrieves a list of azure groups matching the specified search criteria or returns the requested properties of a specified azure group.
UriTemplate: /dra/tenants/{tenantIdentifier}/azuregroups/get
Public methodGetAzureUsersRequest
Retrieves a list of azure users matching the specified search criteria or returns the requested properties of a specified azure user.
UriTemplate: /dra/tenants/{tenantIdentifier}/azureusers/get
Public methodGetBuiltinContainersRequest
Retrieves a list of builtin containers matching the specified search criteria or returns the requested attributes of a specified builtin container.
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/builtincontainers/get
Public methodGetComputersRequest
Retrieves a list of computers matching the specified search criteria or returns the requested attributes of a specified computer.
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/computers/get
Public methodGetConfigurationPowers
Retrieves the powers delegated to the caller specifically for viewing/updating aspects of DRA's configuration
UriTemplate: /dra/configurationPowers/get
Public methodGetContainersRequest
Retrieves a list of containers matching the specified search criteria or returns the requested attributes of a specified container.
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/containers/get
Public methodGetDeviceRequest
The device object(s) defined for a specified computer When deviceIdentifier is defined, a single device properties is returned. (computerIdentifier can be null in this case) Otherwise a list of devices in computer is returned. (computerIdentifier CANNOT be null in this case)
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/computer/devices/get
Public methodGetDomainControllersRequest
Retrieves the list of domain controlles in the specified domain.
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/domaincontrollers/get
Public methodGetDomainsRequest
Retrieves a list of domains matching the specified search criteria or returns the requested attributes of a specified domain.
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/get
Public methodGetDRAActiveViewAssignments
Get the Assignments associated with the ActiveView
UriTemplate: delegation/activeviews/assignments/get
Public methodGetDRAActiveViewRules
Get the rules assigned to the ActiveView
UriTemplate: delegation/activeviews/rules/get
Public methodGetDraServersInDomain
Retrieves the list of DRA servers registered in the specified domain
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/draservers/get
Public methodGetDynamicDistributionGroupsRequest
Retrieves a list of dynamic distribution groups matching the specified search criteria or returns the requested properties of a specified dynamic distribution group.
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/dynamicdistributiongroups/get
Public methodGetEventLogRequest
The EventLog object(s) defined for a specified computer When eventLogIdentifier is defined, a single EventLog properties is returned. (computerIdentifier can be null in this case) Otherwise a list of EventLogs in computer is returned. (computerIdentifier CANNOT be null in this case)
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/computer/eventlogs/get
Public methodGetExchangeAdminGroups
Retrieves the list of Exchange admin groups in the specified domain.
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/exchangeServers/adminGroups/get
Public methodGetExchangeAliasName
Retrieves exchange name alias. The Exchange alias is used with address lists as an alternative way of specifying the user in the To, Cc, or Bcc text boxes of an e-mail message. (This is sometimes referred to as the nickname property.) This method accepts the first and last name, the initials and the samAccountName. Based on the values in these fields, the server will generate the alias according to policy set on the server. The default (no policy set) is the same as the samAccountName. The required parameters depend on what policy is set. For example, if the selected policy is 'First-Initials-Last', then the you should send firstName, initials, and lastName. When no policy is set, samAccountName is required.
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/exchangeName/{nameType}/get
Public methodGetExchangeConfiguration
Retrieves Exchange configuration for the specified domain.
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/exchangeConfiguration/get
Public methodGetExchangeMailboxStores
Retrieves the list of Exchange mailbox stores.
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/exchangeServers/mailboxStores/get
Public methodGetExchangeOnlinePolicies
Retrieves the list of exchange online mailbox policies
UriTemplate: /dra/tenants/{tenantIdentifier}/exchangeServers/policy/get
Public methodGetExchangePolicies
Retrieves the list of exchange policies
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/exchangeServers/policy/get
Public methodGetExchangeResourceSchemaByType
Retrieves the list of Exchange custom resource room.
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/exchangeServers/ResourceSchema/get
Public methodGetExchangeResourceSchemaEquipment
Retrieves the list of Exchange custom resource equipment
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/exchangeServers/ResourceSchema/equipment/get
Public methodGetExchangeResourceSchemaRooms
Retrieves the list of Exchange custom resource rooms
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/exchangeServers/ResourceSchema/rooms/get
Public methodGetExchangeServers
Retrieves the list of Exchange servers in the specified domain. Returns properties about each server such as the LDAP path.
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/exchangeServers/get
Public methodGetExchangeTasks
Get a list of Exchnage tasks that can be performed for either a specific object or a list of objects.
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/exchangeTasks/get
You must specify either objectIdentifier or objectIdentifiers in the payload.
Public methodGetExchangeVersionInfo
Get object exchnage version information
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/exchange/version/Info/get
Public methodGetGroupManagedServiceAccountsRequest
Retrieves a list of group managed service accounts matching the specified search criteria or returns the requested attributes of a specified group managed service account.
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/groupmanagedserviceaccounts/get
Public methodGetGroupsRequest
Retrieves a list of groups matching the specified search criteria or returns the requested properties of a specified group.
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/groups/get
Public methodCode exampleGetInformation
Defines REST endpoint for getting information about the running DRA REST service. This endpoint is accessed using HTTP GET.
UriTemplate: /rest
Public methodGetIntegrationServersRequest
Either gets the properties of the specified integration server or returns a list of all integration servers of the specified type.
UriTemplate: /dra/integrations/{integrationType}/servers/get

integrationType Map:
  • unifiedChangeHistory - Unified Change History
  • worflowAutomation - Workflow Automation
Public methodGetMailboxMoveStatus
Get mailbox move for the specified user's mailbox on the specified mailbox store.
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/users/mailbox/moveStatus/get
Public methodGetMailboxProperties
Retrieves rights/security information of specified mailbox
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/users/mailbox/get
Public methodGetMailboxStoreConfiguration
Get mailbox store configuration
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/mailbox/store/configuration/get
Public methodGetMMSConfiguration
Retrieves mms configuration information
UriTemplate: /dra/mms/configuration/get
Public methodGetOUsRequest
Retrieves a list of organizational units matching the specified search criteria or returns the requested attributes of a specified organizational unit.
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/ous/get
Public methodGetPowersByCategory
Returns the property level permissions delegated to the caller over the specified object class for the specified operations
Public methodGetPowersByOperationName
Returns the operation level permissions delegated to the caller for the specified operations
Public methodGetPowersDelegatedToUser
Returns the DRA powers delegated to the specified user UriTemplate = "/dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/users/powers/get" Deprecated, use /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/users/delegation/get" (GetUserDelegation(String, String, String, ConnectionParameters))
Public methodGetPublicFolderMailboxes
Retrieves the list of public folder mailboxes
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/publicfolders/mailboxes/get
Public methodGetPublicFoldersRequest
Retrieves a list of public folders matching the specified search criteria in a specific domain or returns the requested attributes of a specified public folder in that domain.
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/publicFolders/get
Public methodGetRecycleBins
Retrieves a list of recycle bins.
UriTemplate: /dra/recyclebins/get
Public methodGetResourceMailboxesRequest
Retrieves a list of resource mailboxes matching the specified search criteria or returns the requested attributes of a specified resource mailbox.
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/resourcemailboxes/get
Public methodGetServiceDependenciesRequest
The dependencie service object(s) defined for a specified service
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/computer/service/dependencies/get
Public methodGetServiceDependentsRequest
The dependent service object(s) defined for a specified service
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/computer/service/dependents/get
Public methodGetServiceRequest
The service object(s) defined for a specified computer When serviceIdentifier is defined, a single service properties is returned. (computerIdentifier can be null in this case) Otherwise a list of services in computer is returned. (computerIdentifier CANNOT be null in this case)
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/computer/services/get
Public methodGetSessionRequest
The session object(s) defined for a specified computer When sessionIdentifier is defined, a single session properties is returned. (computerIdentifier can be null in this case) Otherwise a list of sessions in computer is returned. (computerIdentifier CANNOT be null in this case)
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/computer/sessions/get
Public methodGetSharesRequest
The share object(s) defined for a specified computer When shareIdentifier is defined, a single share properties is returned. (computerIdentifier can be null in this case) Otherwise a list of shares in computer is returned. (computerIdentifier CANNOT be null in this case)
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/computer/shares/get
Public methodGetSkypeOnlineAudioConferencingProviders
Gets the available Skype for Business Online audio conferencing providers available for a given user.
UriTemplate: /dra/skypeOnline/audioConferencingProviders/get
Public methodGetSkypePolicies
Retrieves the list of skype policies
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/skype/policies/{policyType}/get
Public methodGetSkypeTasks
Get a list of Skype for Business tasks that cna be performed for either a specific object or a list of objects.
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/skype/tasks/get
Public methodGetTemporaryGroupAssignmentRequest
Retrives a list of temporary group assignments.
UriTemplate: /dra/temporarygroupassignments/get
Public methodGetUserDelegation
Returns the DRA delegation model for the specified user UriTemplate = "/dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/users/delegation/get"
Public methodGetUsersRequest
Retrieves a list of users matching the specified search criteria or returns the requested attributes of a specified user.
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/users/get
Public methodGetVersion
Defines REST endpoint for getting version information about the running DRA REST service. This endpoint is accessed using HTTP GET.
UriTemplate: /rest/version
Public methodGroupCopy
Copy the specified group to a new group
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/groups/copies/post
Public methodGroupCreate
Creates a new group
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/groups/post
Public methodGroupDelete
Deletes the specified group
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/groups/delete
Public methodGroupDisableEmail
Disables email on the specified group
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/groups/disableemail/put
Public methodGroupEnableEmail
Enables email on the specified group
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/groups/enableemail/put
Public methodGroupGetPermissions
Get a group permissions UriTemplate = "/dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/groups/permissions/get"
Public methodGroupManagedServiceAccountCreate
Creates a new group managed service account
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/groupmanagedserviceaccounts/post
Public methodGroupManagedServiceAccountDelete
Deletes the specified group managed service account
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/groupmanagedserviceaccounts/delete
Public methodGroupManagedServiceAccountMove
Moves a group managed service account from one container to another
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/groupmanagedserviceaccounts/move
Public methodGroupManagedServiceAccountSetInfo
Updates the properties of a group managed service account
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/groupmanagedserviceaccounts/put
Public methodGroupMemberAdd
Adds the specified objects to the group
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/groups/members/post
Public methodGroupMemberEnum
Enumerates the members of the group
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/groups/members/get
Public methodGroupMemberRemove
Removes the specified objects from the group
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/groups/members/delete
Public methodGroupMembershipEnum
Get group membership on the specified object
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/groups/membership/get
Public methodGroupMove
Moves a group to a new location
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/groups/move
Public methodGroupRestore
Restore the specified group from the recycle bin
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/groups/restore
Public methodGroupSetInfo
Updates the properties of a group
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/groups/put
Public methodGroupSetPermissions
Set a group permissions UriTemplate = "/dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/groups/permissions/put"
Public methodIntegrationServerCreate
Creates a new integration server configuration entry.
UriTemplate: /dra/integrations/{integrationType}/servers/post

integrationType Map:
  • unifiedChangeHistory - Unified Change History
  • worflowAutomation - Workflow Automation
Public methodIntegrationServerDelete
Removes configured integration server.
UriTemplate: /dra/integrations/{integrationType}/servers/delete

integrationType Map:
  • unifiedChangeHistory - Unified Change History
  • worflowAutomation - Workflow Automation
Public methodIntegrationServerSetInfo
Updates the properties of the specified integration server.
UriTemplate: /dra/integrations/{integrationType}/servers/put

integrationType Map:
  • unifiedChangeHistory - Unified Change History
  • worflowAutomation - Workflow Automation
Public methodIntegrationServerTestConnection
Attempts a connection to an integration server.
UriTemplate: /dra/integrations/{integrationType}/servers/connections/post

integrationType Map:
  • unifiedChangeHistory - Unified Change History
  • worflowAutomation - Workflow Automation
Public methodLDAPEnum
Retrieves a list of objects that match the specified LDAP query in the specified container. The LDAP query and the container are both specified in the enumerationsOptions object
UriTemplate: /dra/ldapQuery/get
Public methodLDAPObjectEnum
Retrieves a list of objects that match the specified LDAP query in the specified container. The LDAP query and the container are both specified in the enumerationsOptions object
UriTemplate: /dra/ldapObjects/get
Public methodMailboxCopy
Copy the specified user's mailbox to a new user's mailbox.
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/users/mailbox/copies/post
Public methodManagerGetInfo
Gets basic display information for an object that is set as a Manager or Assistant
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/manager/get
Public methodObjectEnum
Retrieves a list of managed objects that match the specified filters across all managed domains
UriTemplate: /dra/objects/get
Public methodObjectGetDisplayProperties
Gets display information for the requested objects
UriTemplate: /dra/managedObjects/displayProperties/get
Public methodOUCopy
Copy the specified OU to a new OU
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/ous/copies/post
Public methodOUCreate
Creates a new OU object
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/ous/post
Public methodOUDelete
Deletes the specified OU
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/ous/delete
Public methodOUMoveHere
Moves an OU from one container to another
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/ous/move
Public methodOUSetInfo
Updates the properties of a OU
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/ous/put
Public methodPasswordGenerate
Generates a random password based on the current password policy settings
UriTemplate: /dra/password/get
Public methodPublicFolderCreate
Creates a Public Folder object.
Public methodPublicFolderDelete
Removes a Public Folder object.
Public methodPublicFolderEnum
Retrieves a list of public folders matching the specified search criteria.
UriTemplate: /dra/publicFolders/get
Public methodPublicFolderMailDisable
Disables email for Public Folder object.
Public methodPublicFolderMailEnable
Enables email for Public Folder object.
Public methodPublicFolderSetInfo
Updates the properties of a public folder
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/publicFolders/put
Public methodRecycleBinDomainEnum
Retrieves a list of managed objects from the specified domain's recycle bin that match the specified filters.
UriTemplate: /dra/recyclebins/{domainFqdn}/managedObjects/get
Public methodRecycleBinDomainObjectEnum
Retrieves a list of managed objects from the specified domain's recycle bin that match the specified filters.
UriTemplate: /dra/recyclebins/{domainFqdn}/objects/get
Public methodRecycleBinEnum
Retrieves a list of managed objects that match the specified filters across all recycle bins
UriTemplate: /dra/recyclebins/managedObjects/get
Public methodRecycleBinObjectEnum
Retrieves a list of managed objects that match the specified filters across all recycle bins
UriTemplate: /dra/recyclebins/objects/get
Public methodReEnableSkype
Re-enables skype for business for a user.
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/users/skype/skype/reenable/put
Public methodRemoveSkypeCertificate
Removes skype certificate associated with a user.
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/users/skype/certificate/delete
Public methodResourceMailboxCopy
Creates a copy of an existing resource mailbox
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/resourcemailboxes/copies/post
Public methodResourceMailboxDelete
Deletes a resource mailbox
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/resourcemailboxes/delete
Public methodResourceMailboxMove
Moves a resource mailbox to a new container
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/resourcemailboxes/move
Public methodResourceMailboxRestore
Restore the specified resource mailbox from the recycle bin
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/resourcemailboxes/restore
Public methodResourceMailboxSetInfo
Updates the properties of a resource mailbox
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/resourcemailboxes/put
Public methodRoleAssociateActiveViewAssistantAdmin
Delegate Roles and Powers Over an ActiveView
UriTemplate: /dra/delegation/activeviewassignments/post
Public methodRoleDetachActiveViewAssistantAdmin
Remove Delegate Role or Power Over an ActiveView
UriTemplate: /dra/delegation/activeviewassignments/delete
Public methodRoomMailboxCreate
Creates a new room mailbox object
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/roommailboxes/post
Public methodRoomMailboxGetRequest
Retrieves a list of room mailboxes matching the specified search criteria or returns the requested attributes of a specified room mailbox.
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/roommailboxes/get
Public methodSchemaAttributeEnum
Lists the attributes defined in the DRA schema for the specified object class
UriTemplate: /dra/attributes/{objectClass}/get
Public methodSecurityAssignmentEnum
Retrieves a list of SecurityAssignments for user or group
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/assignments/get
Public methodServerGetInfo
Retrieves information about the DRA server
UriTemplate: /dra/servers/current/get
Public methodServiceContinue
Continue a service
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/computer/service/continue/put
Public methodServicePause
Pause a service
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/computer/service/pause/put
Public methodServiceSetInfo
Updates the properties of a service
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/computer/services/put
Public methodServiceStart
Start a service
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/computer/service/start/put
Public methodServiceStop
Stop a service
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/computer/service/stop/put
Public methodSessionDelete
Delete a session
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/computer/sessions/delete
Public methodSetAnalyzerConfiguration
Configure analyzer.
UriTemplate: /dra/analyzer/config/put
Public methodSetGroupMailboxProperties
Updates the security information of a mail enabled group
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/groups/mailbox/put
Public methodSetTemporaryGroupAssignmentRequest
Updates existing temporary group assignment.
UriTemplate: /dra/temporarygroupassignments/put
Public methodSetUserMailboxProperties
Sets the rights/security information of specified mailbox
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/users/mailbox/put
Public methodShareClone
Clone a share
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/computer/share/copies/post
Public methodShareCreate
Creates a new share object
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/computer/share/post
Public methodSharedArchiveMailboxCreate
Create an archive mailbox for the specified shared mailbox
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/sharedmailboxes/mailbox/archive/post
Public methodSharedArchiveMailboxDelete
Delete an archive mailbox for the specified shared mailbox
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/sharedmailboxes/mailbox/archive/delete
Public methodShareDelete
Deletes the specified share
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/computer/shares/delete
Public methodSharedMailboxCopy
Creates a copy of an existing shared mailbox
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/sharedmailboxes/copies/post
Public methodSharedMailboxCreate
Creates a new shared mailbox object
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/sharedmailboxes/post
Public methodSharedMailboxDelete
Deletes a shared mailbox
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/sharedmailboxes/delete
Public methodSharedMailboxGetRequest
Retrieves a list of shared mailboxes matching the specified search criteria or returns the requested attributes of a specified shared mailbox.
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/sharedmailboxes/get
Public methodSharedMailboxMove
Moves a shared Mailbox from one container to another
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/sharedmailboxes/move
Public methodSharedMailboxRestore
Restore the specified shared mailbox from the recycle bin
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/sharedmailboxes/restore
Public methodSharedMailboxSetInfo
Updates the properties of a shared mailbox
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/sharedmailboxes/put
Public methodShareSetInfo
Updates the properties of a share
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/computer/share/put
Public methodCode exampleSubmitVarSet
Defines the REST endpoint for using a VARSET to perform any DRA operation. The varset keys and values are loaded from the submitted payload. Format for varset entries is "varsetKey":"varsetValue"
UriTemplate: /dra/operations/varset/post
Public methodTemporaryGroupAssignmentCancel
Cancels the temporary group assignment.
UriTemplate: /dra/temporarygroupassignments/cancel/put
Public methodTemporaryGroupAssignmentClearError
Clears error in the temporary group assignment.
UriTemplate: /dra/temporarygroupassignments/clearerror/put
Public methodTemporaryGroupAssignmentCreate
Creates a new temporary group assignment.
UriTemplate: /dra/temporarygroupassignments/post
Public methodTemporaryGroupAssignmentDelete
Deletes the temporary group assignment.
UriTemplate: /dra/temporarygroupassignments/delete
Public methodTemporaryGroupAssignmentDisable
Disables the temporary group assignment.
UriTemplate: /dra/temporarygroupassignments/disable/put
Public methodTemporaryGroupAssignmentEnable
Enables the temporary group assignment.
UriTemplate: /dra/temporarygroupassignments/enable/put
Public methodTemporaryGroupAssignmentGetInfoRequest
Retrives a configuration info of temporary group assignments.
UriTemplate: /dra/temporarygroupassignments/config/get
Public methodUpdateMailboxMoveRequest
Update a mailbox move request for the specified mailbox.
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/users/mailbox/moveStatus/put
Public methodUserArchiveMailboxCreate
Create an archive mailbox for the specified user
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/users/mailbox/archive/post
Public methodUserArchiveMailboxDelete
Delete an archive mailbox for the specified user
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/users/mailbox/archive/delete
Public methodUserCopy
Copy the specified user to a new user
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/users/copies
Public methodCode exampleUserCreate
Creates a new user object.

UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/users/post

Public methodUserDelete
Deletes the specified user
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/users/delete
Public methodUserDisable
Disables a user
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/users/disable/put
Public methodUserDisableEmail
Disables email for the specified user.
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/users/disableemail/put
Public methodUserDisableOffice365ArchiveMailbox
Disables office 365 archive mailbox on the specified user.
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/users/office365/mailbox/disablearchive
Public methodUserDisableSkype
Deletes all Skype for Business Server related attributes from the specified user account. The user will no longer be able to log into Skype for Business Server. The user can be subsequently re-enabled using the /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/users/skype/enable/post endpoint. However all previous information associated with the account will have to be re-created.
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/users/skype/enable/p
Public methodUserEnable
Enables a user
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/users/enable/put
Public methodUserEnableEmail
Enables email for the specified user.
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/users/enableemail/put
Public methodUserEnableOffice365ArchiveMailbox
Enables office 365 archive mailbox on the specified user.
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/users/office365/mailbox/enablearchive
Public methodUserEnableSkype
Enables a user for Skype for Business Server.
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/users/skype/enable/post
Public methodUserGetMailboxUmProperties
Gets the unified messaging properties for a user
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/users/mailbox/umProperties/get
Public methodUserGetSkypeRegistrarPools
Get skype pools
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/users/skype/pools/get
Public methodUserInterfaceGetSettings
Retrieves user settingss information about the DRA server
UriTemplate: /dra/userinterface/get
Public methodUserLockSkypePin
Locks skype pin for a skype enabled user
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/users/skype/pin/lock/put
Public methodUserMailboxCreate
Creates a mailbox for the specified user on the specified mailbox store.
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/users/createmailbox/put
Public methodUserMailboxDelete
Deletes a mailbox for the specified user
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/users/mailbox/delete
Public methodUserMailboxDeleteDeprecated
Deletes a mailbox for the specified user
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/users/deletemailbox/put
Public methodUserMailboxMove
Move a mailbox for the specified user on the specified mailbox store.
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/users/mailbox/move
Public methodUserMove
Moves a user from one container to another
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/users/move
Public methodUserMoveToSkypePool
Moves the pool of Skype Enabled User
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/users/skype/pool/put
Public methodUserResetPassword
Resets the password and unlocks a user. User will be required to change password at next logon.
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/users/resetpassword/put
Public methodUserRestore
Restore the specified user from the recycle bin
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/users/restore
Public methodUserSetInfo
Updates the properties of a user
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/users/put
Public methodUserUnlock
Unlocks a user, but does not reset the password
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/users/unlock/put
Public methodUserUnlockSkypePin
Unlocks skype pin for a skype enabled user
UriTemplate: /dra/domains/{domainFqdn}/users/skype/pin/unlock/put
Public methodVAAssociate
Creates a new virtual attribute association to a managed object class
UriTemplate: /dra/virtualAttributes/associations/post
Public methodVAAssociationsGet
Lists virtual attributes associated to the specified class name. If no class name is provided, returns virtual attributes not associated with any class
UriTemplate: /dra/virtualAttributes/associations/get
Public methodVACreate
Creates a new virtual attribute
UriTemplate: /dra/virtualAttributes/post
Public methodVADisable
Disables a new virtual attribute
UriTemplate: /dra/virtualAttributes/disable/put
Public methodVADisassociate
Deletes a virtual attribute association to a managed object class
UriTemplate: /dra/virtualAttributes/associations/delete
Public methodVAEnable
Enables a new virtual attribute
UriTemplate: /dra/virtualAttributes/enable/put
Public methodVAPropertyEnum
Lists the virtual attributes defined for this DRA environment
UriTemplate: /dra/virtualAttributes/get
Public methodVirtualAttributeSchemaPropertyEnum
Lists the virtual attributes defined in the DRA schema for the specified object class
UriTemplate: /dra/attributes/virutal/{objectClass}/get
Public methodWorkflowEventCreate
Creates a Workflow Process event
Public methodWorkflowParameterEnum
Get Workflow Attributes
UriTemplate: /dra/workflow/parameters/get
Public methodWorkflowProcessEnum
Enumerate Workflows
UriTemplate: /dra/workflows/get
Public methodWorkflowProcessStart
Manually start a workflow process UriTemplate: /dra/workitems/post
Public methodWorkItemEnum
Enumerate Workitems
UriTemplate: /dra/workitems/get
Public methodWorkItemParametersGetInfo
Get Workitem Attributes
UriTemplate: /dra/workitem/parameters/get
See Also