IDRARestServerObjectEnum Method |
Namespace: NetIQ.DRA.RestServiceLibrary
[OperationContractAttribute] [WebInvokeAttribute(Method = "POST", ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, RequestFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, BodyStyle = WebMessageBodyStyle.Wrapped, UriTemplate = "/dra/objects/get")] Stream ObjectEnum( Computer computerAndFilter, Computer computerOrFilter, Contact contactAndFilter, Contact contactOrFilter, Domain domainAndFilter, Domain domainOrFilter, DomainMember domainMemberAndFilter, DomainMember domainMemberOrFilter, AzureTenant azureTenantAndFilter, AzureTenant azureTenantOrFilter, AzureGroup azureGroupAndFilter, AzureGroup azureGroupOrFilter, AzureUser azureUserAndFilter, AzureUser azureUserOrFilter, AzureContact azureContactAndFilter, AzureContact azureContactOrFilter, Group groupAndFilter, Group groupOrFilter, OU ouAndFilter, OU ouOrFilter, User userAndFilter, User userOrFilter, GroupManagedServiceAccount gmsaAndFilter, GroupManagedServiceAccount gmsaOrFilter, EquipmentMailbox equipmentMailboxOrFilter, EquipmentMailbox equipmentMailboxAndFilter, RoomMailbox roomMailboxOrFilter, RoomMailbox roomMailboxAndFilter, SharedMailbox sharedMailboxOrFilter, DynamicDistributionGroup ddgAndFilter, DynamicDistributionGroup ddgOrFilter, Container containerAndFilter, Container containerOrFilter, BuiltinContainer builtinAndFilter, BuiltinContainer builtinOrFilter, PowerFilter[] powerFilters, SimpleFilterCollection additionalAndFilters, SimpleFilterCollection additionalOrFilters, string[] attributes, EnumerationOptions enumerationOptions, ConnectionParameters connectionParameters )
Filters are specified by sending an object in the payload that corresponds to the object type and logical operand. The object should contain the attributes to match on with the match string as it's value. The logic applied accross multiple fields is indicated by the logical operand in the filter name. For example, if a computerOrFilter is included in the payload with match strings for three different attributes then any computer that matches any of the match strings is included in the response. If it were a computerAndFilter then a computer would have to match all match strings to be included in the response.
The following filter will match users whose firstName is 'Fred', description contains 'employee', or whose city begins with 'H':
"userOrFilter": { "firstName": "Fred", "description": "*employee*", "city": "H*" }
Use the | character to specify multiple match patterns for the same attribute. The following filter matches users whose city begins with 'H' or 'P':
"userOrFilter": { "city": "H*|P*" }