
Command Reference

This chapter explains the DMSII Client commands.

Starting and Stopping the DMSII Client

This section describes how to start and stop the DMSII Client. For normal processing, use the START WFL/DATABRIDGE/DMSIICLIENT (\"clientdbname\") command. Depending on your processing needs, you might use one of the following optional second parameters. The DMSII Client defaults to the UPDATE command if you do not add a second parameter to the START WFL.

Starting the DMSII Client Using an Optional Second Parameter

By adding an optional second parameter to the START WFL/DATABRIDGE/DMSIICLIENT command, you can change how the DMSII Client runs. Following are the optional parameters that you can use:

  • UPDATE [datasetlist]

  • CLONE [datasetlist]

  • STATUS [datasetlist]

  • REGISTER port [password]


  • LOCATION afn absn seg inx


START WFL/DATABRIDGE/DMSIICLIENT ("clientdbname","UPDATE[datasetlist]")

Use this command to process data set record updates. If you specify a list of data sets, only those data sets will be updated.


START WFL/DATABRIDGE/DMSIICLIENT ("clientdbname","CLONE[datasetlist]")

Use this command to reclone data sets. If you specify a list of data sets, only those data sets will be recloned.



Use this command to generate a report showing the data set structure number, name, mode (which can be normal, clone, fixup, purge, or reorg), and audit location. If you specify a list of data sets, only those data sets will appear in the report. The following is an example of status report:

                      Databridge DMSII Client
    Version compiled Wednesday, April 19, 2016 @ 06:37:45
             Started Tuesday, April 18,2017 @ 10:51:52
DMSIIClient Status Report for (DB66)BANKCLIENT ON DB as of Tuesday, January
                        26, 2016 @ 10:51:54
Str#   Name              Mode   AFN   ABSN     Segment Index Host info
----- ------------------ ------ ---- --------- ------- ----- -----------
       (common)          normal  9    1509      16155   10    B3BD2517E570
       13 BANK           normal  9    1509      16155   10    B3BD2517E570
       16 BRANCH         normal  9    1509      16155   10    B3BD2517E570
       30 TELLER         normal  9    1509      16155   10    B3BD2517E570
 Databridge Client Information
System:              CS460:1122 MARS SSR 58.150.0453, microcode 11.609
Task:             40405/40406 50 (DB66) (DB66)OBJECT/DATABRIDGE/DMSIICLIENT
Processor time:       .34645 seconds
I/O time:           0.45 seconds
ReadyQ time:        0.05 seconds
Audit location:   AFN=9, ABSN=1509, updates=0, errors=0


(\"clientdbname\",\"REGISTER port\[password\]\")

Use this command to register the DMSII Client to listen to the specified port for auto connect requests, which indicates that additional audit information is available. If additional audit file information is available, Databridge Server initiates the DMSIIClient, which automatically requests updates from the primary database and then updates the client database.

The port number must match the AUTO CONNECT port number specified in the DBServer parameter file (refer to Databridge Server in the Databridge Host Administrator's Guide).

The password must be the password you use to sign on to the usercode containing the DMSII Client software. If you do not supply a password, you must enter the following command from MARC or the ODT to modify the registration with the proper password so that the DMSII Client will run under the proper usercode:


The REGISTER command creates a file called DATA/DMSIICLIENT/clientdbname/AUTOCONNECT, which contains the NA commands to register it. If you perform the REGISTER command under a privileged usercode, the DMSII Client automatically loads the file and registers it. If you are running under a nonprivileged usercode, enter the following from either the ODT or a privileged usercode in MARC:

NA LOAD (usercode)DATA/DMSIICLIENT/clientdbname/AUTOCONNECT ONfamilyname

where usercodeis the nonprivileged usercode used to run the DMSII Client REGISTER command and familynameis the pack where you ran the DMSII Client REGISTER command.



Use this command to remove the client database and regenerate it from scratch.


START WFL/DATABRIDGE/DMSIICLIENT ("clientdbname","LOCATIONafn absn seg inx")

Use this command to insert a specific audit location in the DMSII Client database control table. The next time the DMSII Client runs, it will start retrieving updates from this point.

This command is intended for sites that load a clone of the primary database using a method other than the DMSII Client.


The DMSII Client will not check the validity of the indicated audit location.

Stopping the DMSII Client

In most cases, you do not need to stop the DMSII Client. However, if you do want to stop the DMSII Client, enter the following:

mixnumber AX QUIT

where mixnumber is the mix number of the DMSII Client. The DMSII Client will terminate at the next quiet point.

DMSII Client AX Commands

You can enter the following AX commands anytime the DMSII Client is running.


To display the current AFN, ABSN, number of successful updates, and errors, enter the following:

mixnumberAX STATUS

where mixnumberis the mix number of the DMSII Client.

The following is an example of what appears when you enter an AX STATUS command:

DMSIIClient: AFN=38, ABSN=17877, updates=301, errors=0.


The following is an example of what appears when you enter an AX QUIT command:

DMSIIClient: Terminating at end of transaction group.
DMSIIClient: AFN=38, ABSN=17877, updates=0, errors=0.
DMSIIClient: [0007]: Active audit file 39 is unavailable.

To restart the DMSII Client see Starting and Stopping the DMSII Client.


To display the AX commands that you can use with the DMSII Client, enter the following command:

mixnumberAX HELP

where mixnumberis the mix number of the DMSII Client.

The following is an example of what appears when you enter an AX HELP command:

DMSIIClient: Valid commands: STATUS, QUIT.