
The COBOL-IT Developer Studio

Key Concepts

These documents guide the user through the installation of the COBOL-IT Developer Studio and includes remarks about the Eclipse IDE. Then, there is a review of best practices for using the COBOL-IT Developer Studio.

Best practices for using the COBOL-IT Developer Studio are:

  1. Enter the Window>Preferences interface and configure the Development Studio.
    Minimal configurations can be made in:
      a. Window>Preferences>General>Editors>Text Editor
      b. Window>Preferences>General>Workspace
      c. Window>Preferences>Run/Debug>Perspectives
  2. Use the File>New>Project>COBOL Project Wizard to create a new project.
  3. Use the File>New>COBOL Program Wizard to create a new COBOL program in the Project Folder.
  4. Enter the Project>Properties>Compiler Options interface to set the compiler flags in your project.
  5. Create a runtime configuration for your COBOL program.
  6. Clean, and Build the Project.
  7. Review the output from the Build in the Compiler Console Window, and possibly the Problems Window. The Problems Window will display compiler errors detected in a clickable interface that returns control to the line on which the compiler error was detected.
  8. Run the program.
  9. Run the program in the debugger.

We have also included reference chapters for Additional development scenarios, including:

  • Using existing source code in its current location
  • Importing existing source code into a New Project structure
  • Dragging and dropping files and folders from the Windows explorer into the Project

Additional Development Scenarios

For reference material on using the COBOL-IT Debugger, see the related document:

Getting Started with the Developer_Studio Debugger Perspective

For reference material on using the Remote System Perspective, see the related document:

Getting Started with the Developer Studio Remote System Perspective

With these guidelines, we hope that your experience of Getting Started with the COBOL-IT Developer Studio will be rewarding. The COBOL-IT Technical Services team welcomes your feedback. Please submit comments and suggestions to EMAIL