Upgrading Your Amazon Web Services Deployment
The complete process of upgrading an AWS deployment involves the following tasks.
Task |
See |
Verify upgrade prerequisites are met |
Reviewing Deployment Prerequisites |
Upgrade the EKS control plane to version 1.20 |
Upgrading the EKS Control Plane |
Update kubectl on the bastion |
Updating kubectl on the Bastion |
Prepare the upgrade package |
Preparing the Upgrade Package |
Upload product images to the ECR |
Uploading the New Images to the Elastic Container Registry (ECR) |
(Conditional) To deploy Intelligence or Recon, install the ArcSight Database |
Installing the Database in AWS |
(Conditional) To prevent both the original and newly installed databases from ingesting duplicate events, stop data ingestion on the original database. |
Checklist: Stopping Event Ingestion | |
Upgrade CDF on AWS |
Change value for portal-ingress-controller-svc, if necessary |
(Conditional) Changing the Values of frontend-ingress-controller-svc and portal-ingress-controller-svc |
Perform the upgrade of deployed capabilities |
Clean up the EFS Directory post upgrade |
Cleaning Up the EFS Directory (AWS) | |
Modify producers, consumers, and ArcMC |
Modify the (Connector) Producers and Consumers | |
Restarting the Event Consumers |
(Optional) Add Transformation Hub to Fusion ArcMC |
(Optional) Adding Transformation Hub to Fusion ArcMC | |
Apply the hotfix to remediate the log4j vulnerability |
Applying the CDF 2021.05 log4j Hotfix | |
Apply security patches and latest updates to the deployed capabilities and the ArcSight Database |
Upgrading to 22.1.2 |