Running the Upgrade

  1. On the bastion, verify that all pods in core namespaces are in status Running or Completed by running this command:

    kubectl get pods -n core

  2. Patch itom-cdf-ingress-frontend-svc and nginx-ingress-controller-svc as type LoadBalancer by running the following commands:

    kubectl patch services itom-cdf-ingress-frontend-svc \
    -p '{"metadata":{"annotations":{"":"","":"nlb"}},"spec":{"type":"LoadBalancer"}}' -n core
    kubectl patch services nginx-ingress-controller-svc \
    -p '{"metadata":{"annotations":{"":"","":"nlb"}},"spec":{"type":"LoadBalancer"}}' -n core
  3. Wait until the command status in Step 2 changes from <pending>, and then run the following commands to get the load balancer DNS names:

    kubectl get svc itom-cdf-ingress-frontend-svc -n core| grep -v EXTERNAL-IP |awk '{print $4}'
    kubectl get svc nginx-ingress-controller-svc -n core| grep -v EXTERNAL-IP |awk '{print $4}'
  4. Switch directory to cdf-deployer directory:
    cd /tmp/
  5. Unzip
  6. Switch to the cdf-deployer directory:
    cd cdf-deployer/
  7. Run the upgrade script with the following command:

    ./ -u

  8. When the upgrade completes, check that all pods are Running or Completed with this command:
    kubectl get pods -A
The command -u may fail on apphub. If this occurs, run the following command:
helm rollback apphub 1 -n core

The CDF upgrade is now complete. The new platform version can be checked by running this command:
kubectl get cm base-configmap -o yaml -n core | grep VERSION