Uploading the New Images to the Elastic Container Registry (ECR)
All of the following steps can be performed on the bastion or a host with Internet access and the AWS command line configured.
- Switch to the aws scripts installer directory:
cd arcsight-platform-cloud-installer-<VERSION>
- Unzip aws-scripts.zip
unzip aws-scripts.zip
- Switch to the scripts directory
cd aws-scripts/scripts
Run upload_images_to_ECR with your credentials from the ECR with the following command:
./upload_images_to_ECR -o <your-org-name> -F arcsight-platform-cloud-installer-<VERSION>/cdf-byok-images.tar -c 4
Ensure the organization argument
is same as the one used during the installation. You can check your organization name by running the command:kubectl get cm -n core base-configmap -o yaml | grep REGISTRY_ORGNAME:
For more information on running the script, see upload_images_to_ECR --help.