These items are configured in Permissions Manager it27.access files using the Document\Terminal\Configuration\T27 group. The corresponding user interface using settings are in the following dialog boxes:
Use this table to match Permissions Manager items with section and setting names used in these dialog boxes.
Item |
Dialog Box > Section > Setting Name |
AlarmLevel |
Configure Input Settings > Options > Enable alarm when cursor is at |
AlternateRS |
Configure Terminal Settings > Forms Mode > RS char |
AlternateUS |
Configure Terminal Settings > Forms Mode > Alt US char |
AutoFocus |
Configure Terminal Settings > Display > Auto focus |
BlinkTime |
Configure Terminal Settings > Display > Character blink time |
ClrInForms |
Configure Input Settings > Key Interpretation > Clear key interpretation |
ColumnAlarm |
Configure Input Settings > Options > Enable alarm when cursor is at > Column |
Columns |
Configure Terminal Settings > Display > Characters per line |
CR_Interp |
Configure Character Settings > Character Interpretation > When CR received |
CursorWrap |
Configure Input Settings > Cursor > Cursor at end of display |
DC1_Function |
Configure Character Settings > Character Interpretation > When DC1 received |
DC2_Function |
Configure Character Settings > Character Interpretation > When DC2 received |
DelimiterVisible |
Configure Input Settings > Forms Mode > Forms delimiter visible |
DestructiveBS |
Configure Input Settings > Options > Destructive backspace |
DispCRSym |
Configure Input Settings > Options > Display return key symbol |
DisplayETX |
Configure Character Settings > Character Display > Display ETX |
DisplayRcvdCR |
Configure Character Settings > Character Display > Display CR |
DisplayRcvdHT |
Configure Character Settings > Character Display > Display HT |
DispTabSym |
Configure Input Settings > Options > Display tab key symbol |
DrawBoxesExt |
Configure Input Settings > Forms Mode > Draw boxes around fields |
EnableHotspots |
Setup Hotspot Display Settings > Hotspot Display > Enable defined hotspots |
EnableMobileHome |
Configure Character Settings > Options > Enable mobile home |
EnterKeyNavigates |
This setting is no longer used. |
ETX_Advance |
Configure Character Settings > Options > ETX advance |
ExtendedSOSI |
Configure Character Settings > Character Display SO/SI extended characters |
FF_ClrsTabs |
Configure Character Settings > Options > FF clears tabs |
FormXmitToCursor |
Configure Character Settings > Options > Forms transmit to cursor |
HideLINCHdr |
Configure Terminal Settings > Forms Mode > Hide LINC Header |
HostScreenInvert |
Configure Terminal Settings > Translate > Invert |
HostScreenTable |
Configure Terminal Settings > Translate > Host to Screen File name |
HotspotsDoubleClick |
Setup Hotspot Display Settings > Hotspot Activation > Double-click |
HotspotsMouseButton |
Setup Hotspot Display Settings > Hotspot Activation > Choose the mouse button to activate hotspots |
InsSpace |
Configure Input Settings > Options > Insert key inserts space |
KbdCROnly |
Configure Input Settings > Cursor > Return key moves cursor to |
LF_Interp |
Configure Character Settings > Character Interpretation > When LF received |
LineAtATimeXmit |
Configure Character Settings > Options > Line at a time transmit |
LowerCase |
Configure Input Settings > Options > Enable lower case |
NoSkipField |
Configure Terminal Settings > Forms Mode > At end of field |
Pages |
Configure Terminal Settings > Display > Number of pages |
PersistentInsert |
Configure Input Settings > Options > Persistent insert key |
RawEightBit |
Configure Character Settings > Options > Raw 8-bit data |
RcvModeHold |
Configure Character Settings > Options > Receive mode hold |
RowAlarm |
Configure Input Settings > Options > Enable alarm when cursor is at > Row |
Rows |
Configure Terminal Settings > Display > Lines per page |
ScreenHostInvert |
Configure Terminal Settings > Translate > Screen to Host Invert |
ScreenHostTable |
Configure Terminal Settings > Translate > Screen to Host File name |
SOH_ClrsScreen |
Configure Character Settings > Options > SOH clears screen |
SOH_ExitsForms |
Configure Character Settings > Options > SOH exits forms |
SpcfyKeyHex |
Configure Input Settings > Key Interpretation > Specify key |
SpcfySendsPage |
Configure Input Settings > Options > Specify key sends page number |
SpecialScroll |
Configure Input Settings > Options > Special scroll mode |
TabSize |
Configure Tab Settings > Tab Display > Spacing |
TabStops |
Configure Tab Settings > Tab Stops > ruler and Clear Tabs button |
TabType |
Configure Tab Settings > Tab Display > Tab Style |
TranslateSOSI |
Configure Character Settings > Character Display > SO/SI translation |
VT_PageAdvance |
Configure Character Settings > Character Display > VT page advance |
WordWrap |
Configure Input Settings > Options > Enable word wrap |