Creating and Viewing Brokering Groups

Identity Server cluster configuration provides a Brokering tab that you can use to configure the groups and generate brokered URLs.

  1. On the Home page, click Identity Servers > [cluster name] > Brokering > Plus icon

  2. The Display Brokering Groups page displays the following information for each group:

    Group Name: Specifies a unique name to identify the group. When you click on the hyperlink, you can view the Group Details page, where the Group configuration such as name and list of Identity Providers and Service Providers can be modified.

    Enabled: A check mark indicates that brokering is enabled for the group by applying the configured rules. A blank means that brokering is disabled.

    Truster Providers

    • Trusted IDPs: Display the total number of SAML2 IDPs assigned to this group

    • Truster SPs: Display the total number of SAML2 SPs assigned to this group.

    Rules: If the rules are not configured, then “No Rules Config” is displayed. The default rule allows for brokering between any IDP to any SP in the group. If new rules are configured, then the first rule name is displayed along with the count of total rules.