Constructing Brokering URLs

You can generate the URL according to the origin and allowed service provider Identity Servers.

  1. On the Home page, click Identity Servers > [cluster name] > Brokering.

  2. Click the existing or newly created brokering group.

  3. Click Construct URL.

    IDP Type: Select the Identity Provider type. The options are Local IDP, Access Manager IDP, and Other IDP. If you select Access Manager IDP, then you can select the Origin IDP in the list. If you select Other IDP, you can enter the Origin IDP URL and you can select the Origin IDP in list.

    Origin IDP: The Origin identity providers are the trusted providers. The list displays all trusted providers created for the specific Access Manager brokering group. Select the Origin IDP.

    NOTE:When a local Identity Server exists as a trusted provider, the Origin IDP list does not show any trusted providers. To resolve this, add another Identity Server to the Access Manager brokering group.

    Origin IDP URL: If you select Other IDP as the IDP type, you can enter the Origin IDP URL manually. The <OriginIDPURL> represents (protocol :// domain : port / path ? querystring).

    Provider Parameter Name: If you select Other IDP as the IDP Type, you can enter the trusted provider parameter ID. For more information about Intersite Transfer Service target for a service provider, see Configuring an Intersite Transfer Service Target for a Service Provider.

    Target Parameter Name: If you select Other IDP as the IDP type, you can enter the target provider parameter name manually.

    Allowed SP: The allowed service providers are the selected service providers of the trusted providers. The drop-down list displays all the service providers created for the specific brokering group. Select the service providers from the drop-down list.

    Target URL: Specify the target URL for the specific trusted providers and service provider pair. This URL will be appended to the login URL. Click Generate to generate the login URL

    Login URL: The login URL consists of Origin IDP URL and the target URL.

  4. Click Cancel to close the Construct URL page.