Configuring Brokering Rules

  1. On the Home page, click Identity Servers > [cluster name] > Brokering > Rules.

  2. Click the existing or newly created Brokering Group.



    Rule Name

    Displays the rule name of the brokering group.


    Displays the status of the brokering group rule.

    Identity Providers

    Displays the number of Identity Providers configured to the brokering group.

    Service Providers

    Displays the number of service providers configured to the brokering group.

    Rule Priority

    Displays the brokering group rule priority number.


    Displays the configured brokering group rule action status as permit or deny.

    Role Conditions

    Displays the brokering groups role condition, such as manager and employee configured on the rule page.

  3. Click Done > Save.

Creating a Brokering Rule

  1. On the Home page, click Identity Servers> [cluster name] > Brokering.

  2. Click the existing or newly created Brokering Group hyperlink.

  3. Click Rules > Plus icon.

    Rule Name: Specify the name of the rule.

    Rule Priority: Select the rule priority from the list.

    NOTE:The default rule specified during creation of the group has a priority of 1. Additional rules can be added, and existing rules can be deleted or modified. You can use the Edit Rules Page to modify the priority of the rules.

    Enabled: Displays the status of the brokering group rule.

    The following IDPs: Displays all Identity Servers that are available in the group.

    The following SPs: Displays all service providers that are available in the group.

    Role Conditions: Displays the brokering group role condition such as manager and employee configured on the rule page.

    Actions: Select Permit or Deny action for the rule you configure to the brokering group.

    NOTE:By default, Access Manager allows any role. If you want to allow access to only particular roles, configure a permit condition for roles with higher priority and configure a deny condition in which no roles are defined with lower priority.

  4. Click Done to complete configuration of rules for the brokering group.

Deleting a Brokering Rule

  1. On the Home page, click Identity Servers > [cluster name] > Brokering > (Brokering Group in the Brokering Group list) > Rules.

  2. Select the brokering group rule you want to delete, and click Delete.

  3. Click Save.

Enabling a Brokering Rule

  1. On the Home page, click Identity Servers > [cluster name] > Brokering > (Brokering Group in the Brokering Group list > Rules.

  2. Select the brokering group rule you want to enable.

  3. Select Enabled > Done > Save.

Disabling a Brokering Rule

  1. On the Home page, click Identity Servers > [cluster name] > Brokering > (Brokering Group in the Brokering Group list) > Rules.

  2. Select the brokering group rule you want to disable from the brokering group rule configuration.

  3. Deselect Enabled > Done > Save.

Editing Brokering Rules

  1. On the Home page, click Identity Servers > [cluster name] > Brokering.

  2. Click the existing or newly created brokering group.

  3. Click Rules.

  4. Select the brokering group rule you want to edit.

You can edit all fields. For information about create brokering rule, see Creating a Brokering Rule