Micro FocusĀ Visual COBOLĀ 3.0 for Visual Studio 2017
General Reference
Error Messages
Syntax Checking Error Messages
COBCH1001 - COBCH1100
COBCH1041 - COBCH1060
COBCH1041 - COBCH1060
Lists the Syntax Checking error messages from COBCH1041 through COBCH1060.
COBCH1041 Data item has zero size, or group not yet completed. Value of 0 assumed
COBCH1042 A numeric item is being moved to an ALPHABETIC data item
COBCH1043 PERFORM may be recursive
COBCH1044 Load failure on SLOAD - STRUCT ignored
COBCH1045 Capacity of POINTER may be exceeded
COBCH1046 Host variable name might cause problems
COBCH1047 Phrase ignored - unsuccessful chain will cause program termination
COBCH1048 DBCS literal includes invalid data
COBCH1049 KEY clause not allowed with sequential READ - clause ignored
COBCH1050 Invalid condition in $IF
COBCH1051 Value evaluated left to right, differs from normal arithmetic precedence
COBCH1052 ALL specified more than once - repeated occurrences ignored
You have specified the word ALL more than once in an ALL literal.
COBCH1053 Multiple 01 level EXTERNAL records with same name - treated as same record
COBCH1054 Variable length group redefines or is redefined
COBCH1055 Requested SQLSTDLVL incompatible with your version of DBM. Directive ignored
You have specified a directive which has no meaning on your database manager
COBCH1056 CALL-CONVENTION does not match that specified in prototype
COBCH1057 REFERENCE/ CONTENT/ VALUE phrase does not match that specified in prototype
COBCH1058 Number of parameters is greater than in prototype
COBCH1059 Parameter is not consistent with that defined in prototype
COBCH1060 Can only use DELIMITED with alphanumeric items
Parent topic:
Messages COBCH1001 to COBCH1100