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X"91" function 69 (deprecated)

Searches a directory for a given file specification.

  • This function is deprecated, and provided for backward compatibility only. We recommend that you use the CBL_DIR_SCAN routines.
  • This function is not supported in JVM COBOL.


call X"91" using result


Group containing:
01 result
  03 f-error    cblt-x1-compx   *> pic x comp-x. 
  03 f-handle   cblt-x2-compx   *> pic x(2) comp-x. 
  03 f-attrout  cblt-x1-compx   *> pic x comp-x. 
  03 f-time     cblt-x2-compx   *> pic x(2) comp-x. 
  03 f-date     cblt-x2-compx   *> pic x(2) comp-x. 
  03 f-size     cblt-x4-compx   *> pic x(4) comp-x. 
  03 f-fileout  pic x(n)        *> pic x(n)
Call prototype: cblt-x1-compx
Picture: pic x comp-x.
Group containing:
01 parameter
  03 f-action   cblt-x1-compx   *> pic x comp-x. 
  03 f-attrin   cblt-x1-compx   *> pic x comp-x. 
  03 f-filein   pic x(m)        *> pic x(m) 

On Entry:

Contains 69
Defines the action to perform:
0 Find the first matching file
1 Find the next matching file
2 Terminate the search early
3 Find one matching file
Attribute byte. All normal files, plus those with the attributes specified by setting this parameter, are to be included. To specify attributes, set the bits as follows:
bit 7 Unused
bit 6 Unused
bit 5 Archived file
bit 4 Subdirectory
bit 3 Unused
bit 2 System file
bit 1 Hidden file
bit 0 Read-only file
The space-terminated filename specification of the file(s) required. This can contain a drive/directory or any wildcard characters.

On Exit:

Contains a status of the result:
0 Success/file found
1 No more files
2 Error
The find handle. This field is set by the find-first function (see f-action above) and should not be altered until the corresponding terminate search has been done.
Attribute byte of file found:
bit 7 Unused
bit 6 Unused
bit 5 Archived file
bit 4 Subdirectory
bit 3 Volume label
bit 2 System file
bit 1 Hidden file
bit 0 Read-only file
Time file was created, in DOS format:
bits 15-11 Hour, 0-23
bits 10-5 Minute, 0-59
bits 4-0 Bi-second, 0-29
Date file was created, in DOS format:
bits 15-9 Year, 0-119 (1980-2099)
bits 8-5 Month, 1-12
bits 4-0 Day, 1-31
The size of the file in bytes.
The name of the file found, space-terminated.


To find a single file, use the find-one function.

To find several files, use the find-first function and then use the find-next function repeatedly. When there are no more matching files, find-next returns with 1 in f-error. If you do not keep calling find-next until this happens, you must finish by calling the terminate-search function.

The f-handle field should be set to zero before you execute the find-first or find-one function. After that, if you are using the first/next/terminate sequence this field should not be changed until after the terminate search. If you are using the find-one function this field is automatically reset to 0 after that call.

If at any time f-error returns 1 or 2, a terminate search has been carried out automatically, and you should not execute the terminate-search function.

This routine cannot be used to check the existence of a network share resource, such as \\server1\share1, but it can be used to locate files or directories on that share, such as \\server1\share1\*.

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