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Makes the Compiler produce language-level certification flags when it finds syntax that is not part of a specified level of the ANSI'85 Standard.


   +-/-+ +-NO--FLAGSTD-----------+


string List of language levels


Phase: Syntax check
$SET: Initial


string contains a list of parameters, each defining a language level or optional module of the ANSI Standard. A feature is not flagged if it is in one of the specified levels or below, or in one of the specified optional modules. A feature is flagged if it is an extension, in a higher level of the Standard, or in an optional module not specified. In addition, it is possible to flag elements identified as Obsolete by the ANSI Standard.

string consists of a combination of the following parameters:

M ANSI'85 defined Minimum COBOL subset
I ANSI'85 defined Intermediate COBOL subset
H ANSI'85 defined High COBOL subset
C1 Communications optional module level 1
C2 Communications optional module level 2
D1 Debug optional module level 1
D2 Debug optional module level 2
S1 Segmentation optional module level 1
S2 Segmentation optional module level 2
R Report writer optional module
O Obsolete language elements

They can appear in any order but must be separated by at least one space. The following combination of flags can be specified:

  • You must choose one of the following: M, I, H
  • You can choose as many of the following as desired: C1 or C2, D1 or D2, S1 or S2, R
  • You can also choose the following flag: O

FLAG and FLAGSTD provide similar functionality and thus only one can be used.

The ANS85 directive must be on.

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