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Specifies that words reserved in the ANSI'85 COBOL Standard are to be treated as reserved words in this COBOL system, and changes the behavior of certain features to be compatible with that Standard.


   +-/--+ +.----.-ANS85-------------+


SYNTAX Makes the directive affect syntax only and not behavior.


Default: ANS85
Phase: Syntax check
$SET: Initial


Set to ANS85 at end by COBOL370, ENTCOBOL, MVS, OS390, SAA"2", VSC2"3" or VSC2"4".


This directive causes the following behavior changes:

  • The I/O status values are those defined in ANSI'85.
  • The ALPHABETIC class test regards lower case as alphabetic.
  • Control variables in PERFORM operations are initialized in the order specified by ANSI'85.
  • Move operations to a variable-length group item use the maximum length of the target if the DEPENDING ON item is in the group.
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