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To Start the Directory Server from the Command Line

Restriction: This topic applies only when the Enterprise Server feature is enabled.
  1. If you are running Directory Server on UNIX, log in as root.
  2. Enter:
    mfds /param

    where param can be:

    d Show debug information
    j journal-path Override the journal path
    k Use SSL and specify SSL certificate, keyfile and password
    n network-address Bind to specific adapter.
    Note: You can use the CCITCP2_PORT environment variable to bind to a non-standard port, but this option should be used with caution, as many programs depend on Directory Server using the default port (86).
    o Specify alternate MFDS options file
    r Refuse access to the Enterprise Server Administration interface
    z Override initial repository location
  3. In addition to options for starting Directory Server, the mfds command also provides a number of other options for reporting and exporting information, stopping the server, and for the installation or removal of Windows services.
    c Install as a service: show debug console
    e Export MFDS user information to an LDIF file
    i Install as a service: do not show debug console
    l Export MFDS schema as an LDIF file
    m Display current repository path
    s Request controlled shutdown
    u Remove as a service
    v Show version information
    t Convert journal file to text format
    x Export repository data
    g Import repository data
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