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Deployment Configuration Requirements

Describes Service Interface property settings and enterprise server instance configuration requirements for successful deployment of the different types of supported COBOL Program service interfaces.
Restriction: This topic applies only when the Enterprise Server feature is enabled.

Service Interface Properties

Before deploying a COBOL Program service interface, ensure that you have set the Service Interface properties appropriate for the type of service interface. Generally, you can accept the default properties; however, you might need to make some adjustments for the following:

All COBOL Program service interfaces
The Service endpoint URL port number is 9003 by default and must match the Endpoint Address port number specified for the Web Services and J2EE listener of the associated enterprise server instance. If you change the Endpoint Address, be sure to update the Service endpoint URL property to match.
JSON service interface invoked using CORS/AJAX
If you have a JSON service interface that you want to invoke using a CORS-supported browser via an AJAX request, you must update the Allowed Origin property with a value of * (asterisk). This enables your associated enterprise server instance to accept all requests regardless of the origin.

See To set deployment properties for instructions on making changes to Service Interface properties.

Enterprise Server Requirements

Enterprise Server provides a default enterprise server instance, ESDEMO, that is configured to run COBOL program-based services. However, if you want to create and configure an enterprise server instance to use specifically for your service, follow the steps outlined in To create a new enterprise server, and use the ESTemplate.xml template.

Web Services and J2EE listener
You need to adjust the Web Services and J2EE listener configuration of your enterprise server instance by providing an Endpoint Address port number that matches the Service endpoint URL port number specified in your Service Interface properties. The default Service endpoint URL port number is 9003. See To set a fixed port in a listener endpoint address for details.
Note: If you decide to use a port other than 9003, be sure to update the Service endpoint URL port number in your Service Interface properties.

Also, depending on the type of service, you might need to change the supported conversion type for the Web Services and J2EE listener. This setting is on the same page as Endpoint Address. Use the following table as a guide:

Service Type Conversion Type
.NET SOAP and J2EE (legacy)
SOAP SOAP and J2EE (legacy)
Java (EJB) SOAP and J2EE (legacy)
REST/JSON Web Services and J2EE
CORS/JSON Web Services and J2EE
Other Considerations
Before deploying a service interface, ensure that you have addressed each of these items:
  • Start the enterprise server instance.
  • If your enterprise server instance runs in 64-bit, and you deploy from a Windows 32-bit system, then the service driver program is not compiled and the compiled service driver program is not included in the deployment package. However, the COBOL source for the service driver program is always included in the deployment package. You must recompile the COBOL source for 64-bit; then copy the compiled program to the enterprise server instance. See Compiling Native COBOL Programs for 64-Bit for instructions.
  • If your enterprise server instance is running on a remote UNIX installation of Enterprise Server, you can still deploy to that enterprise server; however, after you deploy, you must then compile the generated driver program for your service on the platform where Enterprise Server is running. See To compile a service driver program on a remote UNIX machine for instructions.
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