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Specifies whether logical or physical cancels are used for CBL_SUBSYSTEM cancels.
Restriction: These tunables are supported for native COBOL only.


>>-----set subsystem_cancel_mode=--.-0-.-----------><


0 Physical cancels: any program canceled with a CBL_SUBSYSTEM cancel will be freed from memory, making more memory available.
1 Compatibility mode. As Logical cancels mode, except that .dll files or shared objects are physically canceled. This option is present for compatibility with older products.
2 Logical cancels: any program canceled with a CBL_SUBSYSTEM cancel will not be freed from memory. The programs are available to be reused and hence the performance of CALL/CANCEL statements is greatly increased.


Default: 0
IDE equivalent: NoneUse the Application.config file of the project - right-click the file in Solution Explorer and click Open, then select the Run-time Configuration tab.


As far as your program is concerned, logical and physical cancels behave identically.

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