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Launching Data File Editor from a Command Line Prompt

Use the following syntax to launch Data File Editor from your Visual COBOL command line prompt:

mfdatatools2 [file-type][path][filename][option...] 
This parameter is optional. If omitted, Data File Editor opens without a file loaded. If specified, file-type must be one of:
Specifies that the file to be opened is a data file, and will be opened in the Data File Editor.
This parameter is optional. If specified, Data File Editor attempts to open the named file located in the path specified. If omitted, Data File Editor attempts to open the named file located in the current working directory.
This parameter is optional. If specified, Data File Editor uses the path (if specified) and filename to open the file in the appropriate editor. If omitted, Data File Editor opens with no file loaded.
These parameters are optional, and will only take effect if the /data file type is also specified. If omitted, Data File Editor opens at the Open File dialog box, where you can set the required options. You can specify one or more of:
/org org-type
The organization of the file. org-type can be one of:
Sequential files.
Line sequential files.
Relative files.
Indexed files.
The maximum record length.
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