Enables you to create and deploy a COBOL program-based service interface, and generate a COBOL console client to access the deployed service running on an enterprise server.
Restriction: This topic applies only when the Enterprise Server feature is enabled.
imtkmake -defmap service=service-name
imtkmake -generate service=service-name
imtkmake -query
imtkmake -queryAppServerList
imtkmake -queryEJBDefaults
imtkmake -deploy type=service-type
imtkmake -showlog deploydir=deployment-directory
imtkmake -genclient service=service-name
imtkmake -genclientwsdl clientwsdl=wsdl-filename
imtkmake -validate
imtkmake -help
- -defmap
- Create a service interface using default mappings based on the COBOL program specified in the
src= parameter.
- -generate
- Generate deployment files based on the parameters set, and generate a COBOL archive (.car) file containing the generated files for deployment to the enterprise server.
- -query
- List the enterprise servers available for deployment.
- -queryAppServerList
- List the available J2EE 1.4 application servers by default. Specify the
j2eeversion parameter to see application servers supported for other J2EE versions.
- -queryEJBDefaults
- Lists all the default EJB generation options.
- -deploy
- Deploy the
.car file created with
-generate parameter to the enterprise server. Execute
imtkmake with the
-deploy parameter from the
servicename.deploy directory.
- -showlog
- Display the contents of the deployment log (deploylog.txt file).
- -genclient
- Generate a client from the service interface, according to the specified type, such as EJB or Web Services.
Note: When specifying
J2EEversion, the values
1.5 and
5 are equivalent, and the values
1.6 and
6 are also equivalent.
- -genclientwsdl
- Generate a COBOL client from WSDL.
- -validate
- Validate the service interface.
- -help
- Display information about
imtkmake functions and parameters.
- archivename=arch-name
- The full filename of the output archive file, which can be a
.war, or
.ear file.
- appdir=directory-name
- The path to the application files for the application running on the enterprise server.
- appserver=J2EE-application-server-name
- This is the name and version of the J2EE application server for which an EJB is generated and to which an EJB is deployed. This defines the deployment descriptors that are generated.
This is mandatory when generating EJBs and EJB clients. In other words, mandatory when using the
-generate or
-genclient functions with type set to EJB. The values must be within quotes since they contain spaces. For example:
- "JBoss 5.1.0"
- "WebSphere 7.0"
Note that this parameter must come after the other parameters.
-queryAppServerList for how to list the available servers.
- bean=bean-name
- For EJB generation, the name of the bean to generate. Defaults to
- carname=car-filename
- The path to and name of the
.car file to deploy. By default, this file is named
servicename.car and is in the
servicename.deploy directory.
carname= is not required when you generate and deploy on the same command line.
- classpath=pathname
- For EJB generation, the classpath of the J2EE implementation classes on the J2EE application server. This is case sensitive. This is different for each J2EE application server and is the path to the following
.jar files:
- JBoss's
jboss-j2ee.jar and
Note: The names of these files might vary depending on the version of JBoss you are using.
- WebSphere's
- WebLogic's
- clientdir=directory-name
- The directory in which to generate the client program. With the
-genclientwsdl function, defaults to the WSDL file directory; otherwise defaults to the
servicename.deploy directory.
- clientwsdl=wsdl-filename
- The name of the WSDL file from which to generate the client program.
- defaultarraysize=array-size
- The default array size to use for unbounded arrays.
- defaultstringsize=string-size
- The default string size to use for unbounded strings.
- deploydir=deployment-address
- The URL of the
deploylog.txt file. This URL is displayed by the
-deploy function.
- directives=Compiler-directives
- The directives required for the program to compile correctly. Use a comma between directives.
- ejbInterfaceType={remote|local}
- The type of server on which the EJB runs - local or remote.
- ejbname=ejb-name
- For EJB generation, the name of the EJB to generate. Defaults to
- ejbversion=3
- Enable EJB version 3 support.
- esruntime=esruntime-filename
- The name of a file containing the run-time configuration settings to be applied when the deployed service is run. The file extension must be
- exithandler=program-name
- For Web Services generation, the name of a user exit program to handle the exit points in the MFRHSOAP request handler.
- @filelistname
- The name of a file containing a list of additional files that need to be included in a
.car file. Each file name must be on a new line.
- An additional file that needs to be included in a
.car file. You can specify multiple additional files.
- j2eeVersion={1.4|1.5|5|1.6|6}
- The J2EE version.
- jarname=jar-filename
- For EJB generation, the name of the
.jar file to create. Defaults to
- javacpath=java-dir
- The path to the
javac.exe file.
- namespace=service-namespace
- For Web Services generation, EJB generation and client generation, the service namespace. Web Services generation and client generation defaults to
http://tempuri.org/service-name. EJB generation defaults to
- package=package-name
- For EJB generation, the name of the package of Java classes to contain the bean. This is case-sensitive. Defaults to
- password=secure-password
- The password to enable a service interface to be deployed to a secure server. This is required only when MFDS is configured to require it.
- sepsession={stateless|stateful}
- The setting for the associated SEP (Service Execution Process) attribute. SEP attributes are only meaningful when
- server=server-name,deployer-name
- The destination of the deployment files.
server-name is the enterprise server to which you want to deploy the service, and
deployer-name is the name of a deployment service on that enterprise server. If you do not supply this parameter, the function lists the servers available for deployment and prompts you to choose one.
- serverHost=host-name
- For J2SE Java bean services, the name of the host machine that is running the enterprise server.
- serverPort=port-number
- For J2SE Java bean services, the port number of the enterprise server listener.
- service=service-name
- The name of the service for mapping or generation.
- session={stateless|stateful}
- For EJB generation, the type of EJB to generate. Defaults to
- settings=properties-filename
- The name of a file containing the set properties for this service interface.
- src=program-name
- The program used for creating default mappings.
- style={doclit | rpcenc}
- The style to use for WSDL generation. The default is
- transaction={application|container}
- Specifies whether the service is application-managed or transaction-managed. The default is
- transactional={yes|no}
- For EJB generation, whether or not the EJB service executes in a transactional context. When set to
session=stateful by default.
- transactionAttribute=attribute
- Transaction attribute used for EJB default mapping. Can be one of the following:
- notSupported
- mandatory
- never
- required
- requiresNew
- type=service-type
- The type of mapping to perform or type of client to generate (see
genclient and
generate above), where
service-type can be one of the following:
- url=ip-address
- For Web Services and client generation, the IP address of the service. This is added to the WSDL document.
- username=secure-username
- The username that enables a service interface to be deployed to a secure server. This is required only when MFDS is configured to require it.
The following command creates a service interface with default mapping for the program
imtkmake -defmap src=book.cbl service=wmapserv
The following command generates a Web service for the
wmapserv service interface:
imtkmake -generate service=wmapserv
The following command generates an EJB for the
JMapServ service interface:
imtkmake -generate service=JMapServ
appserver="WebLogic 10.3.5"
The following command generates a Web service for the
wmapserv service interface and deploys it to the enterprise server ESDEMO. The additional data file
is deployed:
imtkmake -generate service=wmapserv type=webservice
-deploy server=ESDEMO,Deployer data-files-path\bookfile.dat
The following command deploys a Web service that has already been generated in
wmapserv.car to the enterprise server ESDEMO:
imtkmake -deploy carname=wmapserv.car
This submit is a successful deployment, as indicated by the 202 return code, and the presence of the URL in the response message.
The following command displays the
deploylog.txt file from the URL
imtkmake -showlog deploydir=
The following command creates a COBOL client program for the service
imtkmake -genclient type=webservice
The following command creates a COBOL client program for the service
wmapserv using the service's WSDL file:
imtkmake -genclientwsdl clientwsdl=wmapserv.wsdl
The following command creates an EJB service interface with default mapping using the
requiresNew transaction attribute:
imtkmake -defmap type=ejb