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ASP.NET Client

Restriction: This topic applies only when the Enterprise Server feature is enabled.

In addition to the default COBOL console client, you can optionally generate an ASP.NET Web site client for .NET and Web Service service interfaces.

Website project

After generating a client, Visual COBOL adds a myServiceWebsite project to the solution that contains your service interface project. The Website project contains the following components:

App_Code folder
Generated COBOL code.
bin folder
Contains the following binary files:
  • Interop.myService.ProxyWrapper.dll
  • myService.Proxy.dll
  • myService.ProxyWrapper.dll
Default start-up page for the Web site client.
The code-behind page of Default.aspx
An HTML stylesheet used by the Web site.
Web site configuration file.
A generated file used in the publishing process.
A Micro Focus logo icon used in the visual presentation of the client.

Building and Deploying an ASP.NET client

After generating an ASP.NET client, you must build it and deploy it to make it available to your users. See To build an ASP.NET client and To deploy a COBOL Website to the .NET environment for details.

Editing an ASP.NET client

To enhance its appearance and usability, you can optionally edit the Default.aspx file, or any .aspx file in the project by double-clicking the file in the Solution Explorer. If you modify any files after deployment, you must redeploy to pick up the changes.

Running an ASP.NET client

You can run an ASP.NET client directly from your project using the Visual COBOL Debugger. Before doing so, ensure that:

  • The enterprise server instance configured to run the service is associated with the project that contains your service interface (.svi) file
  • The enterprise server instance is started
  • Your service interface is deployed to the enterprise server instance
  • You have set the Website project as the startup project
Important: To host ASP.NET Web site clients on 64-bit Windows operating systems, you must first enable support for 32-bit applications by setting the Enable 32 bit Applications property to True for the Internet Information Services (IIS) Application Pool associated with your ASP.NET Web site client. See your operating system's IIS documentation for details.
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