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Facilitates the migration of Pro*COBOL applications to OpenESQL when using DBMAN=ADO.
Restriction: Applies to .NET applications only.




Default: None


To use PROCOB, you must set DBMAN=ADO.


Used at compile time: Yes
Behavior at run time: Source file

See Scope - OpenESQL SQL Compiler Directive Options for more information.


When PROCOB is set, OpenESQL:
  • Sets the CHECKSINGLETON and DATE=EXTERNAL directives.
  • Converts error codes in the SQLCA to Pro*COBOL-compatible error codes. This is controlled by the mfpcocds.txt file, located in %ProgramData%\Micro Focus\SQLCODES by default.
  • Accepts Oracle EXEC SQL VAR statements as host variable equivalence statements.
  • Clears SQLERRD(3) in OPEN, EXECUTE, INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE, and SELECT INTO statements only.
  • For the FETCH statement, increments SQLERRD(3) by the number of rows fetched.
  • Supports the optional UNSAFE_NULL directive.
  • Allows declaration of integer host variables as PIC S9(n)COMP-5, where n is 4 through 9 inclusive.
  • Allows unsigned COMP-3 (DECIMAL) host variables.
  • In SQL FETCH and SELECT INTO statements, allows host variables to be specified without a colon (:).
  • Truncates Oracle date and timestamp result types fetched into PIC X(n) host variables without producing a warning.
  • Supports anonymous PL/SQL block invocations.
  • Supports SQL-CURSOR host variables used with PL/SQL blocks that invoke a stored procedure returning a result set.
  • Handles Oracle-specific syntax when calling stored procedures.
  • Supports the Pro*COBOL syntax for calling database functions.
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