Micro FocusĀ Visual COBOLĀ 3.0 for Visual Studio 2017
General Reference
Error Messages
Syntax Checking Error Messages
COBCH1501 - COBCH1600
COBCH1541 - COBCH1560
COBCH1541 - COBCH1560
Lists the Syntax Checking error messages from COBCH1541 through COBCH1560.
COBCH1541 XML-SCHEMA %1_s missing or illegal
COBCH1542 ACU threading syntax is not supported
COBCH1543 This ACU syntax is not supported
COBCH1544 ACU ACCEPT_DISPLAY extension is not supported
COBCH1545 Feature not yet supported when compiling for JVM
COBCH1546 Not allowed with DELEGATE programs
COBCH1547 Constructors cannot have a RETURNING item
COBCH1548 A concatenation expression cannot be used as a receiving item
COBCH1549 Concatenation expression has too many operands
COBCH1550 FOR interface not implemented by this class
COBCH1551 Recursive use of TYPEDEF name
COBCH1552 Perform range too large or complex
COBCH1553 Warning - JVM classpath %1_s is ignored
COBCH1554 Error - More than 65535 statements in a paragraph. Cannot produce debugging information
A paragraph in the program contains too many statements to produce a .IDY file, and therefore cannot be debugged.
COBCH1555 Cannot access object data declared in a containing class
An attempt to access object data in a containing class has been made from a nested class.
COBCH1556 Invalid JVM runtime: Possibly due to mixing 32 and 64 bit support
The JVM runtime could not be loaded.
COBCH1557 Failed to find JVM type subsystem
COBCH1558 Failed to start JVM
The JVM runtime could not be loaded.
COBCH1559 JVM type support failed: Unexpected failure of operation during operation of type support
COBCH1560 JVM support not loaded: the mfjvmlib library could not be loaded
class library could not be located.
Parent topic:
Messages COBCH1501 to COBCH1600