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DB2 Compiler Directive

Use the DB2 compiler directive to invoke the DB2 ECM preprocessor.

Compiler directives have a default value which is used if no other value is specified. This also applies to all existing DB2 directive options. Many of the options are passed straight to DB2 at compilation time and the Compiler default is used when no other value is specified. In these cases, however, the suitability of, and default values for these options depend on the DB2 configuration, notably whether DB2 is configured to connect to a DRDA server via DDCS. Because of this, the default Compiler setting of these options is "not set". This means that no value is passed to DB2 and the default value (if applicable) is determined by DB2 itself. Consult your IBM DB2 reference documentation for these values.

Note: This list assumes that you are using DB2 LUW V9.7 or later. Some directives are only valid when using DB2 Connect with DB2 LUW. If you are using a different version of DB2 LUW, consult your IBM DB2 reference documentation under PRECOMPILE or BIND to see if the DB2 directive option is supported locally (DB2) or only by DB2 Connect (DRDA). If you are in any doubt, you can specify the directive and attempt to compile the program. If it is not supported, an error message is issued.
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