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Small Integer

A small integer (SMALLINT) is a 2-byte integer SQL data type.

Host Variable Formats

OpenESQL and DB2 ECM
01 shortint1      PIC S9(4)  COMP.
01 shortint2      PIC S9(4)  COMP-4.
01 shortint3      PIC X(2)   COMP-5.
01 shortint4      PIC S9(4)  COMP-5.
01 shortint5      PIC X(2)   COMP-X.
01 shortint6      PIC 9(4)   COMP-X.
01 shortint7      PIC S9(4)  BINARY.
OpenESQL .NET Managed Runtime
In addition to the definitions valid for OpenESQL, the following definition is also valid for the OpenESQL .NET Managed Runtime:
01 shortint10     binary-short.
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