Restriction: This topic applies only when the Enterprise Server feature is enabled.
The minimum items for data capture are:
- Your enterprise server's System Directory,
\ESName, contains:
- The console log:
console.log and
- The communications process log file or files; see the topic
Communications Process Log Files.
- The trace diagnostic datasets,
casauxta.rec and
- The system abend dump, if one exists (casdumpa.rec,
casdumpb.rec or
- The externally triggered dump (filenames as for the system abend dump).
Note: If your enterprise server is running under the Windows LocalService account, the directory might be hidden by Windows. See
System Directory for more information.
- A copy of the file
cobver, located in
%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Micro Focus\Visual COBOL\etc
, and that holds the name and version of the product you are using.
- If it exists, the
mf-server.dat file is located in the
%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Micro Focus\Visual COBOL\bin and
- The Directory Server configuration directory, usually under the
C:\Users\All Users\Micro Focus\Enterprise Developer\mfds directory.
- The Directory Server log file (usually under the
%ProgramData%\Micro Focus\Enterprise Developer directory); see the section
Directory Server Journal.
- Logs for other components that may be enabled such as Fileshare.
- A list of processes running on the machine. You should obtain two lists - one at the beginning of the data capture list, and one at the end. You can obtain this
from the Windows Task Manager.
- A list of shared memory areas and semaphores. You can obtain this
using third-party tools such as Process Explorer.
- A list of network connections and listening sockets, obtained by running the
netstat command.
- Optionally, a list of open files. You can obtain this
using third-party tools such as Process Explorer.
- The operating system tools that you can use to obtain information such as
Process Explorer provide a range of options. You can obtain advice on the most useful options from
Micro Focus technical support.
- Many of these items are held in the enterprise serve directory, so it's best to start by taking the whole directory
It is important that the data capture process is non-destructive, that is, does not damage a healthy system, and that it is non-blocking, that is, does not wait on anything that may not complete in a sick system.