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IDYSRCPATH (deprecated)

Controls the paths stored in .idy files for main source files.
Note: IDYSRCPATH is deprecated, and provided for backward compatibility only.


   +-/-+ |                 +-src-path-+       |
         |                                    |


src-path The path to insert into .idy files to override the actual paths of main source files.


Phase: Syntax check
$SET: No


NOIDYSRCPATH causes the names of main source files to be stored in .idy files with their actual paths.

IDYSRCPATH(src-path) causes the names of main source files to be stored in .idy files with their actual paths replaced by src-path.

IDYSRCPATH() causes the names of main source files to be stored in .idy files with no paths.

Changing the main source file paths stored in .idy files enables you to compile files on one machine then move them to another machine and still have the debugger find all the files it needs. To do this you would also need to set the COBIDY, GNT and INT directives.

Note: IDYSRCPATH only affects the paths used for main source files; it does not affect the paths used for copy books.
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