The following topic lists issues with the remote mainframe development functionality.
- Port not saved after restarting Eclipse
- Sometimes, after the first connection definition, the port you use to connect to the Mainframe is not saved. To work around this issue:
- After you have defined your mainframe connection, explicitly connect and disconnect from the Mainframe.
- After the first restart of Eclipse, ensure that the port is correct.
- The tree view in MVS Explorer does not open
- You receive an internalGetChildren error when you try to open the tree view in MVS Explorer. To resolve this problem:
- Verify your filter definition, disconnect and then connect to the Mainframe.
- If this does not solve the problem, restart Eclipse.
- Panels containing Panel REXX processing produce a panel error
Customers using the
Launch ISPF function under the MVS Explorer in the ED Remote System view need the IBM PTF for APAR "OA46529: ISPP336 ERROR DISPLAYING PANEL WITH *REXX PROCESSING" to be installed on z/OS.
Without this PTF, panels containing Panel REXX processing produce a panel error.
The IBM PTF is expected to be available on Jan 16th 2015.
- z/Server
- IBM's PTF UA75804 causes ISPF dialogs in a user server to stop working. If you have this PTF installed, contact Micro Focus SupportLine to obtain a fix for this issue.
-2814867 (1098663)