Controls the way in which the Compiler generates code for data items that include the PROPERTY phrase, and which either include the OCCURS phrase or are subsidiary to a group item with the OCCURS clause.
Allows a managed program to be compiled for Microsoft's Common Language Runtime (CLR) version 2.0 or 4.0.
Removes a specified prefix from the names of the COBOL data items in your source code.
Generates documentation in xml format using comments in the code, and puts the documentation in the specified file.
Specifies that CALL literal statements are resolved at run time rather than being resolved at compile time.
Enables you to optimize exponential arithmetic operations by specifying the calculation method used.
Exposes COBOL 01 level data items as managed primitives where possible.
ILOBJECTIFY (deprecated)
ILOBJECTIFY is deprecated, and supported for backward compatibility only.
Causes the Compiler to optimize any numeric data item to a native managed type (typically a 32-bit or 64-bit integer) when it determines that it is safe to do so.
Determines the way in which you call a method that contains an array as its last receiving parameter.
ILREF This directive permits the definition of extension methods and extension operators that are outside of the current compilation unit.
Generates a warning when an overlapping PERFORM range is detected in the program.
Exposes the linkage section and entry points to managed code by creating types.
Use in conjunction with ILSMARTLINKAGE, to expose the Linkage Section items and entry points to managed code as nested classes of the program class in which they are defined.
Limits the generation of properties in ILSMARTLINKAGE classes to non-redefining elementary items.
Use in conjunction with ILSMARTLINKAGE. Makes the classes generated with ILSMARTLINKAGE serializable.
Exposes the entry points of a COBOL program as static methods for compatibility with previous releases.
Enables an application to target a specified CPU type.
Ensures that the compiled IL code is verifiable.
Determines the type in which certain items are exposed. This directive affects COBOL data items of type 'decimal' and non-integral numeric items exposed as a result of either ILSMARTLINKAGE usage or the PROPERTY keyword.