Micro FocusĀ Visual COBOLĀ 2.3 Update 2 for Visual Studio 2015
Deploying to Enterprise Server
Enterprise Server Reference
Error Messages
Enterprise Server Error Messages
CASFC Error Messages
CASFC Error Messages
This topic applies only when the Enterprise Server feature is enabled.
CASFC0001I Fileshare services initialized
The Fileshare facility is initialized and ready to accept requests.
CASFC0002I Fileshare terminated
The Fileshare facility has terminated normally.
CASFC0003S Fileshare initialization terminated abnormally
The Fileshare facility terminated during initialization.
CASFC0004S Critical Fileshare storage error
The Fileshare facility encountered a local storage failure that was not recoverable.
CASFC0005I Fileshare services message fileshare-message
This message in standard Fileshare format.
CASFC0006I Fileshare current directory set to current-directory
The effective current directory for Fileshare function is set to
CASFC0007I Fileshare services recovery initiated
The intigrated Fileshare program has been restarted after a failure and the new process is recovering pending requests.
CASFC0008I Error accessing file () group () - status=(,). File marked as closed and disabled.
An error occured while accessing the file. I/O is error specified in file-status. If file-status-1 is 3 then the error is a standard file status code. A file-status-2 of 9 indicates a RTS error. The file has been marked as closed and disabled.
CASFC0009I User (user-id) requested (request type) on file (filename) group (file group name) from Tran (trans-id) Program (terminal-id) Terminal ().
Logging username, filename and all open,close,enable and disable requests on a CICS files.
CASFC0010I Transaction (Transaction id) task number (Task number) user (User name) waiting for shared use of dataset (Dataset name).
The dataset is locked exclusive in the ES cluster.
CASFC0011I Transaction (Transaction id) task number (Task number) user (User name) required datasets have been acquired. Execution resumed.
Transaction execution resumes after dataset acquired.
Parent topic:
Enterprise Server Error Messages