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Preprocessor Properties

The Preprocessors page in your project or file properties enables you to specify one or more additional preprocessors to use with your project or files. It also enables you to specify the order in which the IDE should execute the preprocessors.
  • The preprocessors are executed consecutively from the top to bottom of the list.
  • If you are specifying properties on file level, not that by default files inherit the properties of the project. Any file-specific properties take precedence over those set for the project. To revert the file-specific properties to the ones set at project level, check Inherit from project on the Preprocessors page in the file properties.
Add Preprocessor (Add Preprocessor)
Enables you to specify one or more preprocessors to use with your project as well as some directives for them. The selected preprocessor is added to the top of the list.
  • Click Add and then click Add.

    Enables you to specify any additional preprocessors from the ones installed on your machine.

  • Click Installed Preprocessors and then click Installed Preprocessors.

    Enables you to specify an additional preprocessor from the ones installed with Visual COBOL.

Double-click on the row for a preprocessor under Directives to change the preprocessor directives.

Move Preprocessor Priority Up
Move a preprocessor up in the execution list.
Move Preprocessor Priority Down
Move a preprocessor down in the execution list.
Remove Preprocessor
Deletes a preprocessor from the execution list of preprocessors specified for your project.
Preprocessor Directives
Displays the preprocessor directives that are used to process your code before passing it to the Compiler.
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