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Listing Options

The listing options enable you to control listing information generated with an object file.

The following compiler options are supported in Visual COBOL when using ccbl from the command line or the ACUOPT Compiler directive.

Note: The results of these options will differ from how they appear in ACUCOBOL-GT COBOL, as they map to listing Compiler directives in Visual COBOL.
Option Definition
-La This option maps to the ERRLIST Compiler directive.
-Lc This option maps to the XREF and RESEQ Compiler directives.
-Lf This option maps to the COPYLIST Compiler directive.
-Li This option maps to the ERRLIST Compiler directive.
-Ll This option maps to the FORM Compiler directive.
-Lo This option maps to the LIST Compiler directive.
-Ls This option maps to the DATAMAP Compiler directive.
-Lw This option maps to the LISTWIDTH Compiler directive.
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