Describes the IMTK functionality that enables you to create CICS Web services that can run on
Enterprise Server.
Attention: This feature is in Early Adopter Product (EAP) release status. We intend to provide the finalized feature in a future release. Please contact
Micro Focus SupportLine if you require further clarification.
The CICS Web Services feature is EAP for development and testing usage. It should not be used for production deployment in this product release
Visual COBOL CICS Web Services (CWS) support enables you to create CICS COMMAREA- and Channel-based service interfaces, and generate CWS client applications. You can create any of these from your
Visual COBOL project using the IMTK CICS Web Services feature, or optionally use the
ls2ws and
ws2ls commands at aVisual COBOL command prompt.
CWS supports both HTTP and MQ transport protocols.
You can host your generated CICS Web services on
Enterprise Server.
Important: As a prerequisite to using the CICS Web Services feature,
you must first install the IBM CCSID Conversion Tables and configure accordingly. See
Install and Configure CCSID Conversion Tables for instructions.
Attention: As an alternative to the IMTK, you can use the CICS Web Services wizard to generate CICS Web Services and COBOL clients from a WSDL file. See
CICS Web Services Wizard for more information.