You can only create enterprise server instances on your local machine.
- In Server Explorer, right-click
localhost under
Micro Focus Servers, then click
New Enterprise Server, or in Solution Explorer, right-click a project, point to
Enterprise Server, then click
New Server.
Create New Enterprise Server screen appears.
- Enter a name in the
Name field.
- Check the
64-bit check box if you need to create a 64-bit server.
- Click
to the right of the
Template field, then navigate to the folder that stores the enterprise server template XML files.
By default, this is the
VSInstallDir\Common7\IDE\Extensions\Micro Focus\Visual COBOL SOA\1.0\Etc\ServerTemplates folder.
The templates supplied in this folder are the basis for enterprise servers, with the appropriate Mainframe Subsystem Support and CICS, Job Entry Subsystem, or IMS support enabled. For applications that need an enterprise server to run but do not use Mainframe Subsystem Support you need to use the
ESTemplate.xml template. You can create your own templates using the
mfds command and the following syntax:
mfds -x [repository type] [repository address] [server name] <options> <user id> <password>
Refer to the topic
mfds for more details.
- Select a template and click
- In the
Associate with pane, select the projects to associate with the server.
- Click
The new enterprise server is created and associated with the selected projects.