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Tutorial: Generate and Embed an SQL Program

Now that the SQL query has been generated, you can use OpenESQL Assistant to generate a generic COBOL program and embed the query right into it.

Before attempting this tutorial, you must complete the following tutorials in the order listed:
  • Tutorial: Create a SQL Server Database
  • Tutorial: Create and Configure a Visual Studio Project
  • Tutorial: Set OpenESQL Assistant Configuration Options
  • Tutorial: Catalog a Connection
  • Tutorial: Build and Test a Query
Generate a Generic SQL Program
  1. Click the Auxiliary Code tab.
  2. From the drop-down list, click Generic SQL Program.

    OpenESQL Assistant generates a generic SQL program in the right pane of the Auxiliary Code tab.

Open Program1.cbl
In this phase, you open the program that was automatically generated when you created the OESQLAssistantTutorial project, and delete its contents so you can replace them with the code generated by OpenESQL Assistant.
  1. In Solution Explorer, double-click Program1.cbl.

    This opens the source code editor with the cursor placed at the very beginning of the file.

  2. Select and delete all text in the file.
Embed the Generic SQL Program
We're now ready to embed our generic SQL program into the Program1.cbl file.
  1. Place your cursor at the beginning of the Program1.cbl file.
  2. From the OpenESQL Assistant Auxiliary Code tab, click Insert query into program Create New Query.

    The generated code appears in Program1.cbl.

  3. Save Program1.cbl.
Embed the SQL Query
Next, you embed our SQL query into the generic program.
  1. In the program editor for Program1.cbl, place the cursor on the line just after the comment:
    *> Put your program logic/SQL statements here
  2. On the OpenESQL Assistant, click the Query tab; then click Insert query into program Create New Query.

    OpenESQL Assistant inserts the query into the program.

This completes the tutorial. Next, please complete Tutorial: Provide Additional Code.

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