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20 The Btrieve Engine or Requester is inactive.

Returned as COBOL status: 9/027

You must start the Micro Kernel Database Engine (MKDE) before generating any requests.

Ensure that the MKDE executable is on your PATH or in the top level of your Windows directory.

Ensure that the Btrieve for Windows DLL, wbtrv32.dll, is on your PATH.

By default, in the Windows environment, the Setup utility turns on the Client Engine Usage option. If you want to access server-based Btrieve but do not want to access client-based Btrieve, turn the Local option off and turn the Server option on. If you want to access both client-based Btrieve and server-based Btrieve, turn the Server option on and leave the Local option on.

If the problem persists, ensure that the Btrieve run-time system is configured and running by performing a -STAT function on the file you are attempting to access. The -STAT operation is available with the BUTIL and BUTIL utilities supplied by Btrieve Technologies.

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