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To run a CSI query

To run a CSI query:

  1. Position the cursor anywhere within the program that you want to query.
  2. Click the Quick Browse button (Quick Browse button) on the COBOL toolbar.

    This invokes the CSI query control.

  3. Specify the CSI query that you want to run, then click OK.

    The results from the query are shown in the Micro Focus Code Analysis window.

Note: Background parsing needs to be enabled in order to run a CSI query. Background parsing is enabled by default, but if you have disabled it you need to re-enable it before you can run CSI queries.

A number of CSI queries are available from the context menu in the editor. To run these:

  1. In the editor, right-click the program that you want to query and click Code Analysis > CSIQuery where the available CSI queries are:
    • Unreferenced Data
    • Undeclared Procedures
    • Copybook Structure
    • Program Statistics
    • Unexecuted Procedures

    The results from the query are shown in the Micro Focus Code Analysis window. See Related Information for details about the information you can obtain with these queries.

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