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Print and Preview dialog boxes

Print is based on
Lists the available views for printing or previewing your data.
Header (text)
Check to print a header for your data. In the corresponding field, specify the header text that you want to see on your printout or preview.
Footer (text)
Check to print a footer for your data. In the corresponding field, specify the footer text that you want to see on your printout or preview.
Page numbers
Check to show page numbers on your printout or preview.
Check to show a ruler on your printout or preview.
Record numbers
Check to show record numbers on your printout or preview.
Hexadecimal values
Check to include hexadecimal values on your printout or preview.
Current record
Print or preview only the current record.
All records
Print or preview all records in the file.
Selected records
Print or preview a range of files specified by the values entered into the corresponding From and To fields.
Specify the number of the first record in the range of fields to print or preview.
Specify the number of the last record in the range of fields to print or preview.
Whole record
For each record selected, print or preview the entire record.
Part of record
For each record selected, print or preview the part of the record specified by the values entered into the corresponding From and To fields.
Specify the number of the first character in the record to print or preview.
Specify the number of the last record in the range of fields to print or preview.
Print the selected data (Print dialog box only).
Preview the selected data (Preview dialog box only).
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