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Single User Mode

You can configure Fileshare to run in single user mode. All network communication is bypassed and the Fileshare Client makes direct calls to the Fileshare Server module. The Fileshare Server does not run as a separate process in this mode of operation.

This is useful when:

To run Fileshare in single user mode, set the FSCOMMS environment variable to $local, for example:

set FSCOMMS=$local /s servername

Even when you are running in single user mode, you must still inform the Fileshare Client which Fileshare Server to use, either by specifying the Fileshare Server name as part of the filename in your program or by using a Fileshare Client configuration file.

The Fileshare Server is configured in the normal way using a Fileshare Server configuration file. At the minimum, you must define a Fileshare Server name in this file.


The Fileshare Server does not have control over the screen when it is running in single user mode. It directs all screen output to the file fsscreen.lst in the current Fileshare Client directory. If your program fails, check this file for messages.

The FSSERVER environment variable must be unset.

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