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To convert a data file

  1. From the Classic Data File Tools IDE, click Tools > Convert.
  2. Type the full path to and filename of the data file you want to convert into the Filename field within the Input file group, or click its corresponding Browse button and use the Open dialog box to select a file to convert.
    Important: If the data file contains a header, or if is has an associated profile, the Data File Converter detects the format and organization of the specified data file. However, if the data file neither contains a header nor has an associated profile, you must supply the information manually. See To define or change file details for instructions.
  3. If the character set used in the data file is not ANSI (default), select EBCDIC from the Character set drop-down list in the Input file group.
  4. To make changes to or provide additional details about the input file, such as the file organization and minimum/maximum record length specifications, click File Details. Optional. See To define or change file details for more information.
  5. If your input file uses record keys, click View keys to view the keys defined in the file. Optional.
  6. If you want to convert the character set from ANSI to EBCDIC or EBCDIC to ANSI, check Convert character set. This changes the value of the Character set field in the New file group, and activates the Records contain non-text data items check box.
  7. If you record contains non-text (numeric) data items, check Records contain non-text data items. This activates the Select layout for conversion button, enabling you to apply a record layout file. For more instructions, see To apply a record layout to a file conversion.
  8. In the Filename field within the New file group, type an output file name or click the corresponding Browse button and use the Open dialog box to select a file.
  9. From the Format drop-down list, select a format for the output file.
  10. From the Organization drop-down list, select an organization for the output file.
  11. If your output file organization is indexed, click Define Keys to define the index specifications. See Key Information dialog box for more information.
  12. If you want your output file to contain fixed-length records, specify the record length in the Maximum length field.
  13. If you want your output file to contain variable-length records, check Variable length records; then provide a Minimum length and a Maximum length.
  14. If you want the data records in your output file to be compressed, check Compress data records.
  15. To save the settings specified on the Data File Convert dialog box, click Save profile and specify a file name and location for the profile file. Optional.
  16. Click Convert.
  17. Click OK on the message saying the data file conversion is complete.
  18. Click Cancel.
Note: Alternatively, if you have saved previous specifications as a profile, click Load profile to load the specifications automatically.
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