01 entry 03 attribute cblt-x4-comp5. *> pic x(4) comp-5 03 date-stamp 05 year cblt-x4-comp5. *> pic x(4) comp-5 05 month cblt-x2-comp5. *> pic x(2) comp-5 05 day cblt-x2-comp5. *> pic x(2) comp-5 05 hour cblt-x2-comp5. *> pic x(2) comp-5 05 minute cblt-x2-comp5. *> pic x(2) comp-5 05 second cblt-x2-comp5. *> pic x(2) comp-5 05 millisec cblt-x2-comp5. *> pic x(2) comp-5 05 dst cblt-x1-comp5. *> pic x comp-5 05 size cblt-x8-comp5. *> pic x(8) comp-5 05 name 07 max-len cblt-x2-comp5. *> pic x(2) comp-5 07 entry-name pic x(max-len)
Attribute | Description |
year | Current year minus 1900 |
month | Month, 0-11; January = 0 |
day | Day of month, 1-31 |
hour | Hour of day, 0-23 |
minute | Minute |
second | Seconds |
millisec | Milliseconds. On some systems millisec is set to zero |
dst | Daylight saving time flag: 0 means that daylight saving was not in operation; 1 means that daylight saving was in operation when the entry was last written; 255 means that the daylight savings setting is unknown. |
The following example works for both UNIX and Windows environments:
$SET FOLDCOPYNAME"LOWER" * * Environment variable COBCPY must be set as follows: * * Unix: * COBCPY=$COBDIR/cpylib:$COBCPY * export COBCPY * * Windows: * set COBCPY=%COBDIR%\cpylib;%COBCPY% * copy cblproto. identification division. program-id. dirdemo. data division. working-storage section. * Variables for CBL_DIR_SCAN_BEGIN * Some used by other CBL_DIR_SCAN_ routines. * The handle. 01 dir-handle pointer. * The pattern. I chose a null terminator instead of * specified length. 01 dir-name-pattern. 10 dir-name-pattern-length cblt-x2-comp5 value zero. 10 dir-name-pattern-text pic x(2048). * The terminator. 01 pattern-terminator pic x value low-values. * Search attributes. 01 search-attributes cblt-x4-comp5 value zero. 78 find-file value 1. 78 find-directory value 2. 78 find-neither value 4. * Flags 01 dirflags cblt-os-flags. 78 escape-seq value 1. 78 wildcards value 2. 01 search-status pic xx comp-5. * Variables for CBL_DIR_SCAN_READ * The entry. 01 entry-data. 10 entry-data-attribute cblt-x4-comp5. 10 entry-data-date-stamp. 20 stamp-year cblt-x4-comp5. 20 stamp-month cblt-x2-comp5. 20 stamp-day cblt-x2-comp5. 20 stamp-hour cblt-x2-comp5. 20 stamp-minute cblt-x2-comp5. 20 stamp-sec cblt-x2-comp5. 20 stamp-msec cblt-x2-comp5. 20 stamp-dst cblt-x1-comp5. 20 stamp-size cblt-x8-comp5. 10 entry-data-name. 20 name-length cblt-x2-comp5 value 50. 20 name-text pic x(50). * Variables for CBL_DIR_SCAN_END * No additional data items required. * Command line argument data area 01 arg-pos pic 9 value 1. 01 arg-text pic x(2048) value spaces. * Variables to make program Unix/Windows universal 01 default-path pic x(7). 78 win-path value 'C:\xyz'. 78 unix-path value '/var'. * Parameter block for CBL_GET_OS_INFO, ignoring all but OS type 01 osinfo. 10 osinfo-length pic x(2) comp-x value 23. 10 os-type pic x comp-x. 10 osinfo-junk pic x(25). * OTHER VARIABLES 01 attrib-work pic x comp-5. 01 attrib-text pic x(10). 01 nonblank-len pic 9(9). 01 terminator-position pic 9(9). 01 return-val cblt-rtncode. procedure division. * Find out whether this is Unix or Windows, * and set default path appropriately. call 'CBL_GET_OS_INFO' using osinfo returning return-val. if os-type = 128 or os-type = 129 * Unix move unix-path to default-path else * Windows, OS/2, or DOS. move win-path to default-path. * Check for directory specification on command line. display arg-pos upon argument-number. accept arg-text from argument-value. if arg-text = spaces move default-path to dir-name-pattern-text else move arg-text to dir-name-pattern-text. * Find the nonblank length and append string terminator. perform varying nonblank-len from function length(dir-name-pattern-text) by -1 until dir-name-pattern-text(nonblank-len:1) <> space or nonblank-len = 1. add 1 to nonblank-len giving terminator-position. move pattern-terminator to dir-name-pattern-text(terminator-position:1). * Set desired search attributes by name. compute search-attributes = find-file + find-directory + find-neither. move zero to dirflags. * Start the scan -- similar to opening a file. call 'CBL_DIR_SCAN_START' using dir-handle dir-name-pattern search-attributes dirflags returning search-status. * Read to end, similar to reading a file. perform walk-dir thru walk-dir-exit until search-status <> zero. * At end or upon error, end the scan, similar to closing a file. call 'CBL_DIR_SCAN_END' using dir-handle returning search-status. * End the program. display 'That''s all!'. goback. walk-dir. * Initialize name-text; function does not right-pad to length. move spaces to name-text. * Do the read. call 'CBL_DIR_SCAN_READ' using dir-handle entry-data returning search-status. if search-status <> zero exit paragraph. * Remove all but the two rightmost bits of result. move function MOD(entry-data-attribute, 3) to attrib-work. * Format result display. evaluate attrib-work when 1 move 'File' to attrib-text when 2 move 'Directory' to attrib-text when other move '???' to attrib-text. display 'Next entry is: ' attrib-text ' ' name-text(1:name-length). walk-dir-exit.
Errors associated with an entry-name field that is too small for the result will be ignored. If you do not supply a large enough field, the result will be truncated to fit. If you supply a field that is shorter than max-len you will corrupt memory.