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Printer Handling Routines Return Codes

Possible return codes from the printer handling library routines are:

0 Success
1 Could not open printer device
2 Invalid printer control code specified
3 No printer device associated with specified handle
4 Out of memory while printing
5 Failed to open file
6 Disk full while spooling file
7 Print job aborted. No job sent to print spooler
8 Printer information structure badly constructed
9 No default printer found
10 Error attempting to display dialog
11 Write failure
12 No fonts found usable with this printer
13 The font requested does not exist
14 User aborted print job
15 Reserved
16 Reserved
17 Reserved
18 Failed to load bitmap
19 Invalid bitmap id
20 Failed to free bitmap
21 Failed to print bitmap
22 Bad parameter
23 Internal error
24 User pressed Cancel on the printer setup dialog or on the font selection dialog
25 Unsupported function
26 Duplex not supported
27 Paper tray not found
28 Paper size not supported
29 Printer enumeration started
30 End of printer enumeration
31 Bad position - x or y out of bounds
32 Move to x,y failed
33 Line to x,y failed
34 Rectangle failed to be drawn
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