Data Marshaling and Type Conversion for Managed Code Interoperation
Data type compatibility is one of the main issues when managed COBOL interoperates with code in non-COBOL managed languages. Often, you need to manipulate the COBOL data into compatible types.
Type Compatibility in Interoperation with Managed Code
For COBOL to interoperate with managed code in other languages, the COBOL must use data types that are compatible with those languages. Often there is not a strict one-to-one correspondence between types in different languages and so you need to manipulate the code to ensure compatibility.
Exposing COBOL Linkage Data as Managed Types
You can expose the COBOL linkage section and entry points to other managed languages by compiling with the ILSMARTLINKAGE directive.
Write a Proxy or Edit the COBOL for Managed Interoperation?
If the COBOL types are incompatible with the managed non-COBOL you want to interoperate with, you can either re-engineer the existing COBOL, or write a proxy COBOL class to act as an interface between the existing COBOL and the non-COBOL.