Read through the topics in this section to get familiar with the basic elements and features of the Eclipse environment. Complete this section by following the tutorial at the end to create a project and your first COBOL application.
A workspace can be thought of as a logical grouping of projects, settings, preferences and metadata.
IDE Preferences
Preferences is the Eclipse term for user-configurable options, and you can use them to control many aspects of the IDE behavior.
A project is a representation of the source files (with dependencies) and build commands used to create your application or program.
Remote Projects
From your local Visual COBOL, you can create and maintain projects that are stored on a remote AIX, HP-UX, Linux or Solaris machine.
Using the Windows and Menus
The main Eclipse window consist of number of subwindows that form the current perspective - a general name for the set of subwindows that target a particular development task.
Navigation Shortcuts
Although you can find all of the commands on the user menus and buttons, there are often ways that invoke some of the commands quicker.