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Configuring the ESF LDAP Security Administration Web Interface

The following steps provide guidance on how to enable the ESF LDAP security administration Web interface for a typical security manager configuration. See Configure ES Security for more information on configuring a security manager. Amend some of these steps as required for your particular configuration.

Although a listener is required to access the new ESF LDAP security Web interface, it is not necessary to manually create a listener as one is created automatically by performing the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the Enterprise Server Administration home page by clicking Home on the left pane.
  2. Click Edit on the row corresponding to the server that you want to use to access the Web interface.
    Note: Ensure that the server you create the listener for is stopped.
  3. Click Server > Properties > Security.
  4. Uncheck Use default ES Security Manager configuration.
  5. Click Apply.
  6. You need to check Use all groups in Security Facility Configuration if the user you intend to login with is not in the User Administration resource. For example, if you are using the default SYSAD user.
    Note: You need a user that has administration privileges, checking Use all groups ensures that the user has the permissions of all the groups they currently belong to, including the #DSAdmin group which provides access to user administration. If you have created a custom user with administration privileges associated with their default group you can use this without the need to check Use all groups.
  7. Click Apply.
  8. In the Security Managers List, click Add.

    This opens the Security Managers List page.

  9. Click Select for the row that contains the security manager that you want to associate with this server.
  10. Click Add.

    This adds the security manager to the server's Security Manager List. This server is then accessible with the new Web interface.

  11. Type the port number that you want the ESF LDAP security administrator Web interface to be accessed on, in the Use port field.

    If you use 0 as the port number then a dynamic port number will be allocated when the server is restarted.

  12. Check Enable Security Manager Administration GUI, and then click Apply.

    You can verify that the listener has been added by looking for an ESF Administration GUI entry in the listeners tab

  13. Click Server > Control, and then click Start.
  14. Use credentials appropriate to your security manager, and then click OK to continue.

    This reopens the Enterprise Server Administration home page.

  15. You must wait till the server has started, and then click Edit on the server you have been configuring.
  16. Click Server > Properties > Security.
  17. Click the URI provided just below the Enable Security Manager Administration GUI checkbox.

    This opens the ESF LDAP security administration Web interface within a browser. Alternatively, you can type the URI into one of the supported browsers listed in Prerequisites. You are prompted to type in your username and password before the interface opens.

    Note: If the security administration Web interface does not open after the username and password are entered, check the communications log (log.html) for errors. Certain browsers may cache information and it may be necessary to clear the cache and/or restart the browser in order to enter correct or different security credentials.
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