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The ATTRIBUTE-ID syntax allows for the definition of new attribute types, which can be used in various contexts (see attribute-clause).


Static or Instance Fields Type Specification - syntax


Attribute Clause - Syntax


Note that, when compiling for JVM COBOL, instance members (that is, constructors, methods or properties) are ignored, but do not cause a compilation error. Similarly, the keyword PROPERTY on fields is also ignored in this case.

An example of a simple attribute, which can be used interchangeably both on .NET and on JVM COBOL is:

attribute-id AuthorAttribute.
01 #value string.
method-id new(auth as string).
    set #value to auth
end method.
end attribute.

On .NET, the resulting code is equivalent to the following .NET COBOL class:

class-id AuthorAttribute inherits type System.Attribute
01 #value string.
method-id new(auth as string).
    set #value to auth
end method.
end class.

On JVM, the resulting code is equivalent to the following Java annotation:

import java.lang.annotation.*;

public @interface AuthorAttribute
  public String value();
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