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Producing a Java Property File

To produce the Java property file (named required so that the run-time system can locate packaged programs when called, use the following script file:

mfjarprogmap [options] source-item 

or .jar file:

java -jar "path/to/mfjarprogmap.jar" [options] source-item
Note: The default location for the script file is %COBDIR%\bin (Windows), or $COBDIR/bin (UNIX). The default location for the .jar file is %COBDIR%\bin (Windows), or $COBDIR/lib (UNIX).


Can be one or more of:
Displays verbose output during creation of the Java property file.
Displays the time taken to create the Java property file.
Ensures that the programs in the Java property file are sorted in alphabetical order.

The location or file that contains the programs that will be mapped in the Java property file.

Can be one of:

-directory path\to\directory-name
The directory in which to search. The Java property file is also created in this location.
Note: Sub-directories of this directory are also searched.
-jar path\to\jar-name
The .jar file in which to search. The Java property file is added to the .jar file.
-file path\to\class-name
The .class file in which to search. The Java property file is created in the current working directory.
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